Hades 2

Each Tool Required for Each Resource

Hades 2 - Each Tool Required for Each Resource

Gathering Tools allow Melinoe to collect region-specific resources in Hades 2. See the complete list of tools and how to use them in this guide.

List of All Gathering Tools

All Gathering Tools

Gathering Tools Description
Hades 2 Crescent PickCrescent Pick Gather from mineral deposits for valuable Silver and more.
Hades 2 Silver SpadeSilver Spade Dig for Mystery Seeds and a variety of useful reagents or other items.
Hades 2 Tablet of PeaceTablet of Peace Compel certain Lone Shades to the Crossroads and gain large sums of Psyche.
Hades 2 Rod of FishingRod of Fishing Capture river denizens, which can be traded for Bones.

As another layer of progression, Hades 2 features Tools for you to collect resources you come across. Notably, each region has its own unique type of mineral deposits, mystery seeds, and fish to keep an eye out for.

How to Unlock Gathering Tools

Unlock Night's Craftwork at the Cauldron

Incantation Effects Cost
Hades 2 - NightNight's Craftwork Reveal Gathering Tools within the Silver Pool. Unlock them to gather Silver, Psyche, and more.
Hades 2 - MolyMoly x1

Before you can craft Gathering Tools, you must unlock the Night's Craftwork incantation from the Cauldron in the Crossroads. You will need 1x Moly, which can be found in Erebus when it is not raining.

We recommend keeping an eye out for a Moly in rooms you enter as early as possible, so you can complete the incantation once the Cauldron has been unlocked from the second run.

Best Incantations to Get First

Obtain Resources to Unlock More Tools

Gathering Tool Resource Cost
Hades 2 - Crescent PickCrescent Pick
Hades 2 - AshesAsh x1
Hades 2 - Silver SpadeSilver Spade
Hades 2 - SilverSilver x10
Hades 2 - Tablet of PeaceTablet of Peace
Hades 2 - PsychePsyche x5
Hades 2 - SilverSilver x5
Hades 2 - Rod of FishingRod of Fishing
Hades 2 - Fate FabricF.Fabric x2
Hades 2 - BronzeBronze x1

Upon completing the Night's Craftwork incantation, you will also need to prepare materials for the Gathering Tools themselves.

Craft the Crescent Pick as soon as you can to start getting Silver early. The Silver Spade and the Tablet of Peace will require you 15 Silver, equivalent to finding 5 Silver deposits in your runs.

How to Equip Gathering Tools

Automatically Equipped Once Unlocked

Once you craft a Gathering Tool, it is automatically equipped. Melinoe will be able to collect from resource nodes for all corresponding Tools unlocked.

Can Prioritize One Tool per Run

Hades 2 - Prioritize a Tool

At the Silver Pool, you can Prioritize a specific Gathering Tool to make its associated resources spawn as often as before. However, unprioritized tools and resources will have less chances to appear as a result.

Before heading out, select which Tool and Resource you would like to focus on for the run. Your currently prioritized Tool will be displayed on the lower right hand corner of the screen.

Bring Familiars to Prioritize Another Resource

Animal Familiars offer Tool Support, allowing you to prioritze another resource type by bringing these companions along. As of Hades 2's first early access patch, you can fish with Toula, and compel Shades with Frinos.

How to Get Animal Familiars

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