Hades 2

Hestia Boons and Gameplay Tips

Hades 2 - Hestia Boons and Gameplay Tips

Hestia is one of the Olympian Gods that can assist Melinoe in Hades 2. As the goddess of flame, Hestia's boons imbue attacks with fire that burns enemies over time. Read on to learn more about Hestia, their boons, and gameplay tips for their boons in this guide!

All Hestia Boons

List of Standard Hestia Boons

Boon Description Stat Improved
Hades 2 - Hestia Boon - Flame Strike Flame Strike Hades 2 - Fire Element Boon Your Attacks inflict Scorch. Scorch Damage:
・Common: 20
・Rare: 25
・Epic: 30
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Hestia Boon - Flame Flourish Flame Flourish Hades 2 - Fire Element Boon Your Specials inflict Scorch. Scorch Damage:
・Common: 15
・Rare: 20
・Epic: 25
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Hestia Boon - Smolder Ring Smolder Ring Hades 2 - Fire Element Boon Your Casts repeatedly inflict Scorch on foes. Scorch Damage:
・Common: 30 (every 1 Sec.)
・Rare: 45 (every 1 Sec.)
・Epic: 60 (every 1 Sec.)
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Hestia Boon - Soot Sprint Soot Sprint Hades 2 - Fire Element Boon Your Sprint destroys most ranged shots near you, and inflicts Scorch on foes that fired. Scorch Damage per Projectile:
・Common: 2
・Rare: 4
・Epic: 6
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Hestia Boon - Hearth Gain Hearth Gain Hades 2 - Fire Element Boon Rapidly restore Magick, but you have -20% Max Life. Magick Restoration:
・Common: +7 (every 1 Sec.)
・Rare: +10 (every 1 Sec.)
・Epic: +13 (every 1 Sec.)
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Hestia Boon - Slow Cooker Slow Cooker Infusion Boon
Requires: 1 Fire
Your Attacks and Specials gain Power for each Fire Boon you have.
Power per Fire Boon:
・Common: +2
・Rare: TBD
・Epic: TBD
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Hestia Boon - Glowing Coal Glowing Coal Hades 2 - Fire Element Boon Hold Cast to aim a fiery projectile that explodes on impact. The binding circle forms there. Blast Damage:
・Common: 50
・Rare: 70
・Epic: TBD
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Hestia Boon - Controlled Burn Controlled Burn Hades 2 - Fire Element Boon Your Omega Special also launches a fiery projectile, but uses +10 Magick. Blast Damage:
・Common: 80
・Rare: 120
・Epic: TBD
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Hestia Boon - Burnt Offering Burnt Offering Hades 2 - Fire Element Boon Gain Max Life and Max Magick, but give up 1 Boon selected by Hestia. Max Life & Magick:
・Common: +50
・Rare: +60
・Epic: TBD
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Hestia Boon - Flammable Coating Flammable Coating Hades 2 - Fire Element Boon Your Scorch effects deal bonus damage to Armor.
▶︎ Requirements:
Flame Strike / Flame Flourish / Smolder Ring / Spontaneous Combustion
Scorch Damage vs. Armor:
・Common: +100%
・Rare: TBD
・Epic: TBD
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Hestia Boon - Fire Extinguisher Fire Extinguisher Hades 2 - Fire Element Boon Foes with at least 300 Scorch take a burst of damage that consumes the effect.
▶︎ Requirements:
Flame Strike / Flame Flourish / Smolder Ring / Spontaneous Combustion
Damage from Scorch:
・Common: 50%
・Rare: 62%
・Epic: 75%
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Hestia Boon - Natural Gas Natural Gas Hades 2 - Fire Element Boon Whenever Scorch-afflicted foes are slain, they damage nearby foes.
▶︎ Requirements:
Flame Strike / Flame Flourish / Smolder Ring / Spontaneous Combustion
Blast Damage:
・Common: 60
・Rare: 90
・Epic: TBD
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Hestia Boon - Spontaneous Combustion Spontaneous Combustion Hades 2 - Fire Element Boon Your Omega Special inflicts bonus Scorch if foes are unafflicted.
▶︎ Requirements:
Falame Flourish
Scorch Damage:
・Common: 60
・Rare: 90
・Epic: TBD
・Heroic: TBD

List of All Boons

List of Hestia's Duo Boons

Boon and Effect Requirements
Chain ReactionChain Reaction
If you use your blast effects from Hephaestus just after they recharge, they fire 2 times.
Any of these Hephaestus Boons:
Volcanic Strike
・Volcanic Flourish

Any of these Hestia Boons:
Flame Strike
・Flame Flourish
・Smolder Ring

Burning DesireBurning Desire
Up to +12 Lone Shades appear in Locations. Sprint into them to launch a fiery blast.
Any of these Aphrodite Boons:
Rapture Ring
・Passion Dash
・Glamour Gain

Any of these Hestia Boons:
Smolder Ring
・Soot Sprint
・Hearth Gain

Freezer BurnFreezer Burn
Whenever you inflict Freeze, amplify any Scorch effects already on the foe.
Any of these Demeter Boons:
Ice Strike
・Ice Flourish

Any of these Hestia Boons:
Flame Strike
・Flame Flourish

Funeral PyreFuneral Pyre
While you Channel your Omega Moves, repeatedly inflict Scorch on nearby foes.
Any of these Hera Boons:
Sworn Strike
・Sworn Flourish
・Engagement Ring
・Born Gain

Any of these Hestia Boons:
Flame Strike
・Flame Flourish
・Smolder Ring
・Hearth Gain

Phoenix SkinPhoenix Skin
Give up 100 Max Life. If you do not take or deal damage for 3 Sec., rapidly restore Life.
Any of these Apollo Boons:
Nova Strike
・Nova Flourish
・Lucid Gain

Any of these Hestia Boons:
Flame Strike
・Flame Flourish
・Smolder Ring

Any of these Hestia Boons:
Burnt Offering
・Flammable Coating
・Hearth Gain
Scalding VaporScalding Vapor
If foes with Slip are struck by fire from Hestia, they are engulfed in Steam.
Any of these Poseidon Boons:
Slippery Slope
Any of these Hestia Boons:
Flame Strike
・Flame Flourish
・Smolder Ring
・Spontaneous Combustion
・Burning Desire
・Controlled Burn
・Glowing Coal

Thermal DynamicsThermal Dynamics
Your Blitz effects also inflict Scorch whenever they deal damage.
Any of these Zeus Boons:
Heaven Strike
・Heaven Flourish

Any of these Hestia Boons:
Flame Strike
・Flame Flourish

List of Duo Boons

How to Get Hestia's Legendary Boon

Boon Requirements
Pyro TechniquePyro Technique
( Hestia )
Your Scorch effects deal damage faster
One of these Boons:
Flame Strike
・Flame Flourish
・Smolder Ring
・Spontaneous Combustion

One of these Boons:
Natural Gas
・Flammable Coating

One of these Boons:
Glowing Coal
・Controlled Burn

To meet the requirements for Hestia's Legendary Boon, we recommend getting Smolder Ring first, then Natural Gas, into a Glowing Coal boon.

This boon build path offers the best synergy leading up to Pyro Technique. This build path allows you to spam your Cast even from a distance, applying Scorch consistently, even from a distance.

List of Legendary Boons

Hestia Keepsake

Everlasting Ember

Rank 1 ★
Rank 2 ★★
Rank 3 ★★★
Everlasting Ember A Boon of Hestia is likely. You can Rarify her Common blessings once this night.
Everlasting Ember A Boon of Hestia is likely. You can Rarify her Rare blessings once this night.
Everlasting Ember A Boon of Hestia is likely. You can Rarify her Epic blessings once this night.

At the first instance that you give an offering of Nectar to Hestia, you'll receive the Everlasting Ember Keepsake in return.

You can equip this keepsake by the Silver Pool before every night to increase chances to receive Boons from Hestia, as well as an option to rarify her boons.

Hestia Info and Gameplay Tips

Character Info

Hestia Epithet Goddess of Flame
Faction Olympian
Voice Actor Cerris Morgan Moyer


Hestia's Boons specialize stacking a status effect that deals damage over time. Some of her Boons are double-edged as they provide buffs along with varying negative effects.


The stacking DoT (damage over time) from Scorch works well with weapons that can hit enemies quickly and consistently like Sister Blades and Umbral Flames.

As for other Boons, Demeter's Freeze effects can help stack Scorch safely or increase their damage with Poseidon's Slip curse. The damage over time from Scorch can also pop Zeus' Blitz effect even if you stop attacking directly.

Hestia Curse and Effects

Afflicts the Scorch Curse

Scorch Curse: Afflicted foes take 40 damage accrued from this every 1 Sec.

Attacks empowered with Hestia's Scorch continuously burns and damages affected enemies by a fixed value of 40 per second. The Scorch damage that your imbued attacks deal is actually the value they add to the Scorch stacks.

For example, if your Common Flame Strike that deals 20 Scorch damage hits an enemy 5 times for a total of 100 Scorch damage, the enemy will receive 80 damage over 2 seconds and 20 damage for the last 0.5 seconds.

A portion of the afflicted enemy's health bar will be highlighted to indicate how much of it will be burned away by Scorch over time.

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1 Sel9 months

The God/Goddess rank 2/3 keepsakes are the ability to Rarify a Rare/Epic boon once that night


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