Hades 2

Best Settings

Hades 2 has different settings that you can adjust to suit your playstyle and preferences. See what each setting does and the recommended options for them!

Best Gameplay Settings

These are the recommended settings for the best gameplay experience when playing Hades 2. Most of the settings here are already set by default, but those in red have been modified.

Best Gameplay Settings
God Mode Player Preference
Aim Assist On
Timer Display Off
Auto-Advance Dialogue On
Vibration On
Vibration Intensity 100%
Dead Zone
Reticle Speed 1800

Toggle God Mode According to Preference

Similar to Hades, God Mode gives you a damage reduction buff as a way to adjust the difficulty of the game. Ultimately, this is left to the player's preference.

We recommend turning this on to toggle an easier mode for the game, or if you want to focus on the story.

God Mode Explained

Use Aim Assist to Target Enemies Automatically

We recommend turning Aim Assist On if you want to have an easier time when aiming your skills. However, you can consider turning this off if you want to prioritize targets manually.

Toggle Timer Display to Time Your Runs

Similar to Hades as well, toggling Timer Display to On displays a timer on the upper right hand section of the screen. Enabling this does not give you a time limit, but only measures how long your run currently is.

Auto- Advance Dialogue Can Be On or Off

Auto-Advance Dialogue can be left to player preference. Consider turning this on since you can read the dialogue history by going to Inventory and pressing the Scroll button on the right side of Greeneries.

Enable or Disable Vibration

For controller players, vibration can give haptic feedback on the game's context. Toggling this On or Off can be left to the player's preference as well.

Vibration Intensity

Vibration Intensity has a maximum value of 100 and can be modified to your needs. We recommend lowering with this value if controller vibration becomes a hindrance in combat.

Adjust Dead Zone Per Controller

Adjusting the Dead Zone allows you to fine tune your controller's stick sensitivity. Modify this value to remedy any oddities the stick movement your controller has.

Modify Reticle Speed for Controllers

Similar to adjusting controller Dead Zone, we recommend experimenting with the Reticle Speed setting. Reticle Speed affects the speed of aiming abilities that Melinoe will use.

Best Controls Settings

Best Control Settings
Attack XBOX - X Button.png
Dash XBOX - A Button.png
Cast XBOX - B Button.png
Special XBOX - Y Button.png
Hex XBOX - Right Trigger.png
Interact XBOX - Right Bumper.png
Move Up -
Move Left -
Move Down -
Move Right -
Gift XBOX - Right Trigger.png
Salute XBOX - Left Bumper.png
Alter XBOX - Right Trigger.png
Rarify XBOX - Y Button.png
Book of Shadows XBOX - DPAD Up.png
Inventory XBOX - DPAD Right.png
Forget-Me-Not XBOX - Y Button.png
Boon Info XBOX - DPAD Left.png
Tab Left XBOX - Left Bumper.png
Tab Right XBOX - Right Bumper.png
Screenshot XBOX - Options Button.png
Report Bug -

Modify Controls According to Comfort

Hades 2 is a fast-paced game, and can prove hectic in battle. While the default key binds work fine, we recommend rebinding these based on what you are comfortable with.

Best Interface Settings

Best Interface Settings
Button Labels Auto
Interface Opacity
Damage Numbers On
Pause on Alt-Tab On
Mouse Lock On
Sidebar Art On
Disable Screen Saver On
Transmit Data On

Set Button Labels to Auto

Setting Button Labels to Auto will allow the game to adjust depending on the controller (Keyboard and Mouse, Xbox, PlayStation, or Nintendo Switch) you are using. We recommend leaving this setting as it is.

Adjust Interface Opacity to Make UI Transparent

By default, Interface Opacity is set at 100, making UI elements such as Health, Magick, Boons, and etc. have no transparency. You can consider lessening this value once you are more comfortable and do not need the information these UI elements give often.

Enable Damage Numbers

Keeping Damage Numbers enabled allows you to see how your Boons and other effects impact the damage your weapon has. We recommend keeping this on.

Toggle Pause on Alt-Tab to On

Alt + Tab is a common keystroke to switch between the open windows and programs you currently have. Keep this on to have the game pause automatically when you are away from the game.

Allow Mouse Lock

The Mouse Lock setting keeps your mouse pointer within the window of the game. Keep this on to avoid losing control of Melinoe in critical moments in combat.

Toggle Sidebar Art for Ultrawide Screens

Catered to players with Ultrawide monitors, Sidebar Art gives the game a nice embellish on the sides of your monitor screens. This can be left to your preference as well.

Disable Screen Saver

Setting Disable Screen Saver to Off overrides the screen saver setting of your computer. We recommend toggling this on if you find yourself AFK, but want to admire the game's gorgeous art.

Enable Transmit Data to Help Developers

As Hades 2 launches in Early Access, keeping Transmit Data enabled helps the developers, Supergiant Games, to fine tune and improve the game for all players. Do not worry, the data collected is non-identifying.

Best Display Settings

Best Display Settings
Fullscreen Depends on PC
Borderless On
VSync On
Graphics Quality Depends on PC
Graphics Device Auto
Resolution Depends on Screen
Default Display Player Preference

Play Fullscreen if Your PC Can Handle It

Hades 2 has a lot of details in combat that you might miss in smaller screens. If your computer can handle it, we recommend playing on Fullscreen.

Keep Windows Borderless

If your computer performs poorly on fullscreen mode, we recommend switching to Borderless Window mode instead. Toggling this setting on allows you to play on “full screen” but at a lesser performance cost.

Toggle VSync Based on Screen Refresh Rate

VSync sets the frame rate of the game based on the frame rate fo your monitor. Like the game suggests, we recommend keeping this on default if you do not encounter performance issues.

Adjust Graphics Quality Based on Performance

By default, the game will try to detect which graphics quality is fit for your computer. If you feel that your computer can handle a better Graphics Quality level, we recommend giving this setting a bump.

Select Graphics Device for Multiple GPU's

Also by default, Graphics Device is set to Auto. For laptops with a dedicated and integrated graphics card, we recommend searching for your more powerful graphics card in this setting.

Modify Brightness Based on Your Environment

The path to the Underworld can get dark, so we recommend tinkering with this setting if you find the game too dim. By default, however, the game selects a brightness value for you as well.

Keep Resolution as Large as You Can

If you prefer to play the game on a smaller window, we recommend giving this setting a look. Do note, however, that setting a smaller resolution than 1920x1080 will override the Borderless Window option.

Select Default Display for Multiple Monitors

If you have multiple monitors available for display, you can set the default display where the game will launch. We recommend launching the game where you are most comfortable.

Best Accessibility Settings

Best Accessibility Settings
Subtitles On
Music Subtitles On
AutoFire Off
Mono Sound Off
Bright Cursor Off
Screen Shake Off

Keep Subtitles On

The Voice Actors for Hades 2 do a phenomenal job of bringing characters to life. However, we recommend keeping Subtitles on to enjoy the playful banter and writing the Hades 2 cast has even more.

Turn Music Subtitles On

Hades was also known for the awesome soundtrack written by Darren Korb. Keep Music Subtitles to appreciate the lyrical masterpieces Darren Korb writes.

Toggle AutoFire Off

While AutoFire can save you some clicks for some weapons, like the Sister Blades, you lose a degree of control for timing when you want to release some of Melinoe's Omega moves.

If you can, we recommend keeping AutoFire off to use Omega moves more reliably. However, feel free to experiment with this setting to according to your needs.

Adjust Sound Output With Mono Sound

Consider toggling Mono Sound to On if you're suffering from hearing problems in one ear, or depending on your audio setup.

Keep Track of Mouse Pointers With Bright Cursor

Like Hades, it might be hard to keep track of your mouse cursor in the heat of battle. We recommend toggling Bright Cursor to select between the normal, slightly bluish cursor, or the bright, silver cursor.

Toggle Screen Shake Off

Screen Shake can be a great effect to convey the weightiness of Melinoe's attacks, but can cause dizziness. Thus, we recommend turning Screen Shake off as well to minimize visual effect clutter.

Best Audio Settings

Best Audio Settings
Main Volume
Music Volume
Ambience Volume
SFX Volume
Speech Volume

Modify Volume Through Audio Settings

if you are listening to other music while playing, we recommend tinkering with the Main Volume, Ambience Volume, and Music Volume settings. SFX and Speech can give contextual clues, so we recommend keeping them a bit higher, if you plan to reduce them from 100.

Best Language Settings

Available in Different Languages

All Hades 2 Languages
• English
• German
• Greek
• Spanish
• French
• Italian
• Japanese
• Korean
• Polish
• Brazilian Portuguese
• Russian
• Turkish
• Ukrainian
• Simplified Chinese
• Traditional Chinese

These are all the available language options for Hades 2. You can opt to change to a certain language for the interface of the game, but the audio will remain in English.

As of Hades 2's Early Access Launch, it seems only the English voice actors have recorded lines for the cast of characters of the game.

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Hades 2 Tips and Tricks

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Glossary of Gameplay Terms -
Settings Guides
Best Settings Is there Autosave?
God Mode Explained Controls and Combat Guide


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