List of All Sidequests


This page lists all the available sidequests in the game Final Fantasy XV (FF15, FFXV). Read on for more information about the sidequests and the recommended level needed!

Rescue Mission


Rescue Missions are short and easy sidequests. Your goal is to help those people in need by giving them the specified recovery item, either a potion or an antidote.

List of Rescue Mission Sidequests

Recommended Level Sidequest
4 An Exaggerated Injury
3 Weary and Wounded
3 Injured and Introspective
4 Scared and Stranded
4 Distress in the Desert
4 Palpable Pain
5 Lost Without a Potion
5 When You Believe
5 Tired of Running
8 All by Myself
9 Wracked with Anxiety
9 The Faint of Heart
10 The Verge of Despair
10 Down on Your Luck
16 Accursed Curiosity
20 Scared and Lonely
20 Blame the Beasts!
31 Almost Out of Hope

Broken Cars


In Broken Cars Missions, the objective is to assist stranded drivers. To help them, you'll be needing your Repair Kit. Make sure to bring several Repair Kits during this mission. You can purchase it at Hammerhead's Mini-mart, as well as Mini-marts at all three Coernix Stations.

List of Broken Cars Sidequests

Recommended Level Sidequest
1 Careless In A Car
2 Stranded On The Sand
2 Broken-Down
3 Waiting For Help
4 One Tune-Up Too Many
5 Wild Beasts On The Open Road
5 The Jolly Joyrider
7 I'm Late!
8 Tune-Up, Shmune-Up
8 Shoulda Been Serviced
9 That Brand-New Car Smell
9 The Perpetual Passenger
10 New To The Road
13 Big Head Behind the Wheel?
15 Hurrying Home
20 Alone On The Road
22 A Driver In Despair
23 Vehicle Vexation
25 Pedal to the Metal
27 Oh My Grease-Monkey Goddess!
30 My Beloved Chariot

Scrap of Mystery


A Scrap of Mystery is a treasure hunt that takes you on a near-complete tour of Lucis. This mission is quite challenging; it has no prompt or highlight that will help you locate the Mystery Map unless you are standing next to them.

List of Scrap of Mystery Sidequests

Recommended Level Sidequest
5 Scraps of Mystery I
9 Scraps of Mystery II
4 Scraps of Mystery III
44 Scraps of Mystery IV
7 Scraps of Mystery V
13 Scraps of Mystery VI
11 Scraps of Mystery VII
22 Scraps of Mystery VIII
20 Scraps of Mystery IX
15 Scraps of Mystery X
18 Scraps of Mystery XI
27 Scraps of Mystery XII
33 Scraps of Mystery XIII
29 Scraps of Mystery XIV
48 X Marks the Spot

Photo Ops


Photo Ops are short sidequests requested by Prompto. To finish this, you will need to take memorable pictures for him. Take note that you can only do this mission during daylight hours.

List of Photo Ops Sidequests

Recommended Level Sidequest
3 Photo Op: Palace
5 Photo Op: Quarry
9 Photo Op: Battlefield
4 Photo Op: Quay
11 Photo Op: Disc
12 Photo Op: Ranch
18 Photo Op: Lestallum
13 Photo Op: Crag
25 Photo Op: Volcano
23 Photo Op: Beacon
27 Photo Op: Lakefront
22 Photo Op: Waterfall
20 Photo Op: Mountain
33 Photo Op: Mascot
33 Photo Op: Park
33 Photo Op: Dock
33 Photo Op: Bar



Tours are short sidequests involving unique moments shared by Noctis and his friends when they stay at specific havens. This sidequest will be available upon reaching the appropriate Haven.

List of Tours Sidequests

Recommended Level Sidequest
- Liege of the Lake
- Rise and Shine and Run
- A flowers for Iris
- Stirred, not Shaken
- The Chopping Block
- Case of the Stolen Specs
- The Hallowed Hill of Hammerhead
- Up Close and Personal
- Strike a Pose!

Dave's Quests


Dave's Quests are all about collecting Dog Tags. Defeat the enemies that you will encounter, and bring the Dog Tag to Dave at the Longwythe Rest Area.

List of Dave's Sidequests

Recommended Level Sidequest
5 Gone Hunting
8 Dust to Dust
10 Final Resting Plains
12 A Rocky End
17 Swallowed by Shadows
20 A Backwoods Burial
22 Washed Away
35 Mountains of Misfortune
40 The Witch of the Woods

Cid's Quests


Cid's Quests are all about upgrading some weapons. Find the materials that Cid needs, and he will help you modify your weapon in return.

List of Cid's Sidequests

Recommended Level Sidequest
- Cid Sophiar, Master Mechanic
- A Better Engine Blade
- A Better Engine Blade II
29 A Better Engine Blade III
30 A Better Drain Lance II
35 A Better Force Stealer
- A Better Pair of Plunderers
- A Better Absorb Shield
- A Better Valiant
- A Better Auto Crossbow
- A Better Bioblaster
- A Better Circular Saw
- A Better Drillbreaker
- A Better Noiseblaster
- A Better Gravity Well

Takka's Quests


After you have received your first Royal Arms during the Second Chapter, speak with Takka to begin Takka's Quests. Take note that you need to move 500 feet away from Takka after completing a quest for the next one in the series to unlock.

List of Takka's Sidequests

Recommended Level Sidequest
1 Scenic Delivery
6 Hunters and Gatherers
11 Emergency Delivery
22 Everyone Loves Beans
28 Lestallum’s Finest
38 A Meat Most Magnificent

Dino's Quests


Dino's Quests are all about collecting various Gems. Talk to Dino to begin the sidequest. You can find him at Galdin Quay docks sitting on a bench.

List of Dino's Sidequests

Recommended Level Sidequest
6 The Aspiring Artisan
15 A Stone-Studded Stunner
20 Reliable Royalty
25 No Pain, No Gem
55 A Treasure Beyond Measure

Cindy’s Quests (Regalia Upgrades)


Cindy's Quests are about upgrading Regalia in many ways. You can change the appearance and its performance. Once you complete The Power of Kings (Chapter Two), you can visit Cindy at Hammerhead to begin this sidequest.

List of Cindy’s Sidequests

Recommended Level Sidequest
7 The Ever Regal Regalia
8 The Ever Elegant Regalia
10 The Ever Gleaming Regalia
26 The Ever Valorous Regalia
45 The Ever Illustrious Regalia
- Into Unknown Frontiers

Sania’s Quests


Sania’s Quests are about collecting Passive Fauna, which includes unique types of frogs. Start the sidequest by speaking with Sania at Coernix Station - Alstor. Take note that she moves to different locations after completing each mission.

List of Sania’s Sidequests

Recommended Level Sidequest
14 The Professor's Protege
15 The Professor's Protégé - Yellow Frogs
28 The Professor's Protégé - Gigantoad
35 The Professor's Protege - Wyvern
45 The Professor's Protege - Myrlwood Firefly
50 The Professor's Protége - Griffon
60 The Frogs of Legend

Navyth’s Quests


Navyth’s Quests are all about fishing. Start practicing and upgrade your fishing equipment. To begin the sidequest, speak with Navyth at the Alstor Slough fishing spots.

List of Navyth’s Sidequests

Recommended Level Sidequest
11 Fishing Buddies
23 Fishing, Naturally
28 Navyth's Challenge
33 Angler's Nightmare

Vyv’s Quests


Vyv’s Quests are all about visiting and taking pictures of specific locations. Speak with Vyv to begin the sidequest.

List of Vyv’s Sidequests

Recommended Level Sidequest
8 The Perfect Landscape
10 An Eye for Islands
12 Aftermath of the Astral War
14 Of Gods and Kings
20 Vyv’s Volcanic Inspiration
20 A Place to Call Home
25 The Pen is Mightier than the Sword Leide Imperial Base
25 The Pen is Mightier than the Sword Duscae Imperial Base
25 The Pen is Mightier than the Sword Cleigne Imperial Base
30 The Cursed Canvas

Lestallum Merchants


Lestallum Merchants are sidequests from four merchants. You can access this sidequest after completing a tour of Lestallum with Iris during Chapter three.

List of Lestallum Merchants Sidequests

Recommended Level Sidequest
10 On the Hunt for a Harvest
12 Wild About Onions
20 Vegging Out
15 Ace of Carapace

Holly’s Quests


Holly's Quests are all about fixing valves and checking the lights at Lestallum Power Plant area. To begin, meet and speak with Holly during Chapter eight.

List of Holly’s Sidequests

Recommended Level Sidequest
15 Power to the Pylons
20 Holding Back the Dark
10 Steam Valve Inspection

Chocobo Sidequests


Chocobo Quests are numerous of activities related to Chocobos. You can found those activities around Wiz Chocobo Post.

List of Chocobos Sidequests

Recommended Level Sidequest
15 Friends of a Feather

Wiz’s Quests


Wiz's Quests are mostly about Chocobos. After completing A Behemoth Undertaking hunt, Wiz will offer you a sequence of assignments.

List of Wiz’s Sidequests

Recommended Level Sidequest
8 Where the Wild Chocobos Are
10 A Feathery Feast
18 Savior of the Species
12 Chase That Chocobo!
9 Bird on the Brink

Allies and Miscellaneous Sidequests


Allies and Miscellaneous are various sidequests mostly from your allies.

List of Allies and Miscellaneous Sidequests

Recommended Level Sidequest
16 Pilgrimage
- Living off the Land
- Symbol of Peace
1 Kitty Catering
20 A Feline Feast
- Berried Memories
35 The Perfect Cup - Search for the best Meat
35 The Perfect Cup - Search for the best Egg
35 The Perfect Cup - Search for the best Shrimp
20 Crazy about Cactuars

Royal Tombs and Dungeon Quests


Royal Tombs and Dungeon are various sidequests you can find from a dungeon and exploring the royal tomb. When you enter one of them, the sidequest will begin.

List of Royal Tombs and Dungeon Sidequests

Recommended Level Sidequest
50 Balouve Mines
45 Crestholm Channels
55 Costlemark Tower
28 Daurell Caverns
36 The Myrlwood
30 The Rock of Ravatogh
35 Malmalam Thicket
46 Formouth Garrison

Menace Beneath Lucis


Menace Beneath Lucis is a quest with various sidequests related to Menace dungeons.

List of Menace Beneath Lucis Sidequests

Recommended Level Sidequest
55 A Menace Sleeps in Keycatrich
65 A Menace Sleeps in Grotto
65 A Menace Sleeps in Fociaugh
72 A Menace Sleeps in Daurell
78 A Menace Sleeps in Balouve Mines
86 A Menace Sleeps in Steyliff
92 A Menace Sleeps in Crestholm
99 A Menace Sleeps in Costlemark

Randolph's Quests


Randolph's Quest is a sidequest you can access after you finish the Main Story mode. Your goal is to defeat the monsters and/or bring item drops to Randolph. To begin this sidequest, visit Randolph in Lestallum by loading your Chapter five save file and return to Lucis using Call Umbra.

List of Randolph's Sidequests

Recommended Level Sidequest
75 Legend Wrapped in an Enigma
65 Dreadful Legend
55 A Legend Is Born
85 Cursed Legend
99 Wondrous Weapon

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