Combat Astralsphere Abilities

This is the page for the Combat Astralsphere Abilities in the game Final Fantasy XV (FFXV, FF15). Read on to know more about the abilities under this astralsphere!

Combat Astralsphere

All Combat Abilities

Name AP Effect
Airdance 333 Airstep after midair attacks an unlimited number of times with a sword or polearm.
Airslip 16 Dodge enemy attacks in midair by holding the guard button.
Airstep 6 Use the left stick and attack button to take a step in midair after attacking with a sword or polearm (costs MP), one time only.
Airstride 52 Perform a second Airstep after a second midair attack with a sword or polearm.
Blink 16 Phase through an enemy's attack without using MP by pressing the guard button at the last second.
Blink Boost 32 Recover a bit of MP by blinking through attacks at the last second.
Chained Fury 10 Boost damage dealt when unscathed during chain attacks.
Daemon Destroyer 24 Warp-strike to break daemon appendages.
Death Drop 28 From afar, press the attack button in midair to warp into range and strike down from above with a sword or polearm.
Experimagic 99 Increase Noctis's MP by the number of levels he has gained. The effects of similar abilities no not stack.
Impervious 333 Negate damage by guarding immediately after being hit.
Light Phase 8 Reduce MP cost of phasing.
Osmostrike 52 Recover MP when an aerial attack connects.
Point-Blank Warp-Strike 333 Deliver a critical hit when warp-striking at close range.
Stalker 28 Boost blindside damage.
Static Edge 64 Significantly increase damage dealt after entering stasis.
Super Stalker 64 Further boost blindside damage.
Ultralight Phase 32 Further reduce MP cost of phasing.
Warp Decoy 48 Leave a hologram to divert enemies after warping.
Warp Factor 24 Boost warp-strike damage.
Warp Factor II 52 Further boost warp-strike damage.

Recommended Combat Abilities

Name AP Effect
Airdance 333 Airstep after midair attacks an unlimited number of times with a sword or polearm.
Airslip 16 Dodge enemy attacks in midair by holding the guard button.
Blink Boost 32 Recover a bit of MP by blinking through attacks at the last second.
Daemon Destroyer 24 Warp-strike to break daemon appendages.
Impervious 333 Negate damage by guarding immediately after being hit.
Osmostrike 52 Recover MP when an aerial attack connects.
Point-Blank Warp-Strike 333 Deliver a critical hit when warp-striking at close range.
Super Stalker 64 Further boost blindside damage.
Ultralight Phase 32 Further reduce MP cost of phasing.
Warp Factor II 52 Further boost warp-strike damage.


  • Get Airdance for unlimited Airsteps, which is useful for flying or large enemies. Each Airstep consumes MP so pay attention to your MP bar while Airdancing.
  • Airslip should be unlocked early as you can use this to dodge while doing aerial chain attacks.
  • Recover MP with Blink Boost instead of just removing the MP cost while blinking.
  • You can make daemon battles easier by breaking their appendages which lowers their stats. This is where Daemon Destroyer comes in.
  • Impervious restores the HP you just lost after taking damage. You must press the guard button quickly after taking damage for it to activate. Requires practice but is worth the effort.
  • Death Drop will be your "air dash attack" to enemies from afar which you can perform by jumping then pressing the attack button. Add Osmostrike to it so you can recover MP while doing aerial attcks.
  • Point-Blank Warp-Strike makes close range warp-strikes deal critical damage, which somehow removes the damage penalty for using it up close.

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