The Trial of Leviathan - Story Walkthrough and Guide

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This page is for The Trial of Leviathan, the fourth Quest of Chapter 9 of Final Fantasy XV (FF15, FFXV). Read on for more information about which side quests, bosses, and items are available in this chapter!

FFXV The Trial of Leviathan Walkthrough

List of Objectives
1 FINAL FANTASY XV_Leviathan Once you've gotten past the Imperials, you should prepare yourself to go up against the Leviathan.
2 The boss fight against the Leviathan will require you to use Warp-Points and Warp-Stikes, so search out those point-warp markers, and target Leviathan once it comes close.
3 FINAL FANTASY XV_Ardyn x Luna Ardyn comes into the picture and stabs Lunafreya, but will appear to help her instead.
4 FINAL FANTASY XV_Noctis x Leviathan A lengthy battle with the Leviathan ensues where Noct emerges the victor.
5 FINAL FANTASY XV_Luna x Noct Another series of scenes occurs after Noct finishes Leviathan off, with him ending up waking in a bed.
5 It appears that Luna died in the battle. A charred ring and her diary are the only things Noctis receives.
5 FINAL FANTASY XV_End of Chapter With the completion of the quest, Noctis receives the Mark of the Hydraean.

Tips and Strategies

This is a list of important things to do in the quest The Trial of Leviathan. Read on to find out which of them is crucial to proceeding.

  • Use Warp-Strike attacks at Leviathan. The battlefield will feature an aerial battle. Don't worry about losing the first parts of the battle.
  • There will come a point when Noct will have the constant power of Armiger with him. Use it to strike at different parts of Leviathan.

List of items


List of Items:

Gold Needle
Smelling Salts
Maiden's Kiss
Remedy (Panacea)
Verve WX
Spirit ZX
Glass Gemstone
Beautiful Bottle
Broken Harmonica
Shattered Timepiece
Debased Silverpiece
Debased Coin
Debased Banknote
Old Book
Rare Coin
Oracle ascension coin

Boss Battles and Monsters


List of Appearing Monsters/Enemies:
Coming Soon!

Appearing Bosses

There are no boss battles in this Chapter 9 quest.

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Into the Fray The Trial of Leviathan Off the Rails
Chapter IX
Altissia, City on the Sea
The Summit
Into the Fray
The Trial of Leviathan


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