List of Leisure Goods

This page lists all the Leisure Goods in the game Final Fantasy XV (FF15, FFXV). Read on to know which Leisure Goods in the game are related to chocobos, fishing, and Totomostro mini-game.

Other Items

Auto-Parts Consumables Ingredients
Key Items Leisure Goods Treasures

List of Leisure Goods


Name Buy Sell
Gysahl Greens - -
Mimett Greens 50 25
Curiel Greens 50 25
Reagan Greens 50 25
Sylkis Greens 300 150
Xelphatol Apple Seeds - -
Doman Plum Pits - -
Mamook Pear Seeds - -
Valfruit Seeds - -
O'Ghomoro Berry Seeds - -
Cieldalaes Pineapple Seeds - -
Han Lemon Seeds - -
Chocobo Whistle - -
Han Pear - -
O'Ghomoro Pear - -

Fishing Lures

Name Buy Sell
Poppeck: Chocobo 50 25
Poppeck: White Chocobo 50 25
Poppeck: Red Chocobo 50 25
Stinker: Malboro 200 100
Stinker: Malbodoom 200 100
Stinker: Great Malboro 200 100
Burrower: Mad Pink Sandworm 200 100
Burrower: Green Sandworm 200 100
Burrower: Abyss Worm 200 100
Sweet Jamming: Custard 50 25
Sweet Jamming: Flan 50 25
Sweet Jamming: Mousse 50 25
Deadly Waters: Sahagin 200 100
Deadly Waters: Coraldevil 200 100
Deadly Waters: Seadevil 200 100
Tidal Might: Leviathan - -
Needle 1,000: Cactuar 50 25
Needle 1,000: Metal Cactuar 50 25
Needle 1,000: Gold Cactuar 50 25
Giant Needle 10,000: Gigantuar 200 100
Giant Needle 10,000: Metal Gigantuar 200 100
Giant Needle 10,000: Gold Gigantuar 200 100
Bomber: Bomb 50 25
Bomber: Ice Bomb 50 25
Bomber: Thunder Bomb 50 25
Jumbo Tusk: Garula 200 100
Jumbo Tusk: Green Garula 200 100
Jumbo Tusk: Garulessa 200 100
Invincible Iron Giant 200 100
Ranker Tonberry - -
Whiskers: Pearly Moogle 50 25
Whiskers: Crystal 50 25
Whiskers: Chocolate 50 25
Hot breather: Red Dragon 50 25
Hot breather: Green Dragon 50 25
Hot breather: Blue Dragon 50 25
Knife T. Tonberry - -
Fatal Roulette: Ahriman 50 25
Fatal Roulette: Floating Eye 50 25
Fatal Roulette: Bloody Eye 50 25
Stormer: Focalor 200 100
Stormer: Purple Berry Focalor 200 100
Stormer: Chert Focalor 200 100
Big Master Typhon - -
Gemlight: Caster Carbuncle 3000 1500

Fishing Lines

Name Buy Sell
Dragon's Beard 500 1950
Spider Silk 30 15
Super Baleen 100 50

Fishing Rods

Name Buy Sell
Mind Breaker - -
Hell Blaster 3000 1500
Air Stagger - -
Death Spin 12000 6000
Butterfly Edge 7000 3500
Tranquility - -


Name Buy Sell
Horn of Resolve 30000 15000
Horn of Tenacity 24000 12000
Horn of Fortitude - -
Horn of Cleansing 8000 4000
Horn of Madness 18000 900

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