Character Skills

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This is a page for the Skills of each character in Final Fantasy XV. Click on each links to learn more about the skills and how to increase their level!

Character Skills List


"Noctis's area of expertise. He often enjoys angling at special spots near rivers and lakes. His skills improve with every fish he catches."

Fishing Skill Information


"Gladiolus's area of expertise. He scavenges the field and picks up useful items at the end of a fight. His skills improve the more he walks around."

Survival Skill Information


"Ignis's area of expertise. He is almost solely responsible for preparing camp meals. His skills improve with every dish he makes."

Cooking Skill Information


"Prompto's area of expertise. He takes memorable shots of the famous sights he and his friends visit on their journey. His skills improve with every picture he takes."

Photography Skill Information

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