Gentiana Character Information

This is the character sheet page for Gentiana in the game Final Fantasy XV (FFXV, FF15). Consider this a comprehensive list of a character's stats and skills. Read on for more information on characters like Noctis and company!

Character Profile - Gentiana


Name Gentiana

Divine avatar whose earthly form belies her supernatural powers.

Shrouded in mystery, she arrived in Tenebrae on the occasion of Lunafreya's birth and has remained by her side ever since, watching over her and guiding her as she grew.

Gentiana prefers to not interfere with the everyday occurrences of the mortal world, seeking only to guide the King and the Oracle along their respective paths.

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Character List

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Currently Unavailable Ezma Currently Unavailable Randolph -
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luna_thumb Lunafreya umbra_thumb Umbra
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