All Sania's Sidequests

This page lists all the available Sania's sidequests in the game Final Fantasy XV (FF15, FFXV). Read on for more information about the Sania's Quest and the required items to complete the sidequests!

What are Sania's Sidequests?

Sania is fond of collecting Passive Fauna, this is the reason why this sidequests is all about it. You can begin this sidequest by speaking with Sania at Coernix Station - Alstor. Take note that she moves to different locations after completing each mission.

Location and Items for Sania's Sidequests

Name Location Required Item
The Professor's Protege Currently unavailable. Red Frog (x5)
The Professor's Protégé - Yellow Frogs Cauthess Rest Area Yellow Frog (x4)
The Professor's Protégé - Gigantoad Old Lestallum Slimy Oil
The Professor's Protege - Wyvern Currently unavailable. Wyvern Wing
The Professor's Protege - Myrlwood Firefly Meldacio Hunter HQ Myrlwood Fireflies (x3)
The Professor's Protége - Griffon Currently unavailable. Griffon Feather
The Frogs of Legend Currently unavailable. Rainbow Frog (x5)

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