Lunafreya Character Information

This is the character sheet page for Lunafreya in the game Final Fantasy XV (FFXV, FF15). Consider this a comprehensive list of a character's stats and skills. Read on for more information on characters like Noctis and company!

Character Profile - Lunafreya


Name Lunafreya Nox Fleuret
Age 24
Birthday September 4
Weapon Trident of the Oracle

Luna made many fond memories with Noct in their childhood, but their days of innocence ended abruptly when the empire overtook her home of Tenebrae. Through adversity, she became the youngest Oracle in history. Adored and respected the world over, she now travels in search of communion with the gods to aid Noct on his journey.

Skills and Abilities

Oracle of Tenebrae blessed with the power to commune with the gods of Eos, the Astrals. In time, she would come to forge covenants with each of the Six (Astrals) and beseech them to share their blessings with the Chosen King, Noctis.

She uses her powers to keep the Starscourge at bay and heal those afflicted by the plague itself.

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