The Power of Kings - Story Walkthrough and Guide

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This page is for The Power of Kings, the second Quest of Chapter 2 of Final Fantasy XV (FF15, FFXV). Read on for more information about which sidequests, bosses, and items are available in this chapter!

FFXV The Power of Kings Walkthrough

List of Objectives
1 Cor will be joining you on your quest for the Keycatrich Trench tomb.
2 There are packs of monsters here like Sabertusks prowling the area. Consider these as opportunities to level up.
3 The Power of Kings 01 FFXV story walkthrough When you get near the entrance to the Trench, an event will be triggered with Imperials arriving en masse. Clear them out and continue doing so after the main party is cleared.
4 There are Lv. 17 MA-Veles deployed in the area. These are like semi-bosses, but will be easily taken out by concentrating on one at a time.
5 The Power of Kings 02 FFXV story walkthrough Cor separates from the party after they reach the entrance to Keycatrich Trench.
6 Make your way in the tomb moving northward. Search for the Keycatrich tomb. Make your way through the tunnels (northward direction) until you see a rock formation where you can squeeze through
7 Prepare for a battle against packs of monsters like Lv.7 Goblins prowling the dark rooms of the dungeons.
8 Do note that some gaps and spaces here are too narrow for the entire party to fit, but all good for one person to pass through.
9 Continue making your way north until you come into a room where another monster is waiting, Arachne.
10 The Power of Kings 03 FFXV story walkthrough Once you've defeated Arachne, you will come across a room with a narrow passageway and stumble into the Tomb of the Conqueror.
11 The Power of Kings 04 FFXV story walkthrough Receive the Axe of the Conqueror to complete the quest.

Tips and Strategies

This is a list of important things to do in the quest The Power of Kings. Read on to find out which of them is crucial to proceeding.

  • During the battle against the Imperials, there is a gun battery in the area. Use it to make quick work of them.
  • Cor's Lion's Roar technique is effective in clearing out powerful enemies. Consider using this to make battles easier.
  • Some abandoned areas here provide cover for when you need to recover. Consider using them.

List of items

Currently Unavailable

Boss Battles and Monsters

Coming Soon!

Appearing Bosses

There are no boss battles in this Chapter 2 quest.

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