Noctis Character Information

This is the character sheet page for Noctis in the game Final Fantasy XV (FFXV, FF15). Read on for more information on characters like Noctis and company!

Character Profile - Noctis


Name Noctis Lucis Caelum
Age 20
Birthday August 30
Weapon All weapon types, Royal Arms
Skill Fishing

Heir apparent to the Lucian throne , Noctis's trial begin when he sets forth from the Crown City in order to wed the Lady Lunafreya Nox Fleuret. In combat, he wields spectral weapons which he froges from thin air, a power possessed by those of his royal line.

Skills and Abilities


"Noctis's area of expertise. He often enjoys angling at special spots near rivers and lakes. His skills improve with every fish he catches."

Level Effect
Amateur Angler -
Long-lasting Line Fishing line wears down 25% less quickly when fish struggle
Tackle Discount I Tackle shops offer a 10% discount on all items.
Lure Allure I Chances of hooking a fish are increased by 25%
Able Angler Ability to catch bigger fish (up to 31.5 inches)
Tackle Discount II Tackle shops offer a 30% discount on all items.
Longer-lasting Line Fishing line wears down 50% less quickly when fish struggle
Lure Allure II Chances of hooking a fish are increased by 50%
Tackle Discount III Tackle shops offer a 50% discount on all items
Ace Angler Ability to catch bigger fish (up to 59 inches)



Name AP Effect
Armiger 0 Conjure the royal arms. Temporarily boosts attributes.
Armiger Action 48 Gain AP for conjuring the Armiger.
Armiger Chain 0 Launch a full-scale attack with allies. Empties Armiger bar.
Armiger Chain Reaction 48 Gain AP for executing an Armiger Chian.
Armiger Freechain 72 Gain unlimited MP for 60 seconds after executing Armiger Chain.
Armiger Harvester 24 Boost Armiger bar gain from attacks.
Armiger Sagechain 99 Boost experience gained from Armiger chain kills.
Armiger Warchain 24 Boost damage inflicted by Armiger Chain.
Iron Armiger 24 Reduce Armiger bar depletion.


Name AP Effect
Bonuspell 333 Receive an extra spell when crafting.
Bonuspell II 999 Receive two extra spells when crafting.
Elemagnetism 48 Enhance energy absorption rate of element-absorbing weapons.
Elementalism 24 Absorb more energy from elemental deposits.
Elementality 72 Absorb even more energy from elemental deposits.
Enhanced Elementality 99 Absorb much more energy from elemental deposits.
Extra Powercraft 99 Enhance potency by 30 when crafting spells.
Magic Action 24 Gain 1 AP every time you cast a spell.
Magic Level 48 Enhance magic of each party member by the number of levels gained.
Magic Level II 99 Enhance magic of each party member by three times the number of levels gained.
Powercraft 20 Enhance potency by 10 when crafting spells.
Super Powercraft 555 Enhance potency by 50 when crafting spells.
Ultimate Powercraft 999 Enhance potency by 100 when crafting spells.


Name AP Effect
Comeback 99 Fully restore an ally's HP after taking them out of danger.
Distance Runner 99 Further enhance stamina.
Hang In 12 Increase HP recovery rate while hanging after point-warp.
Rapid Regen 10 Raise HP and MP recovery rate while in cover.
Savior's Force 48 Boost an ally's attack after taking them out of danger.
Savior's Fortitude 20 Boost an ally's defense after taking them out of danger.
Savior's Vengeance 48 Boost an ally's critical hit rate after taking them out of danger.
Sprinter 24 Boost stamina.


Name AP Effect
Quick Tech 333 Accelerate tech bar replenishment rate.
Tech Damage 99 Add to the tech bar when Noctis suffers damage.
Tech Strike 48 Add to the tech bar when Noctis lands attacks.


Name AP Effect
Airdance 333 Airstep after midair attacks an unlimited number of times with a sword or polearm.
Airslip 16 Dodge enemy attacks in midair by holding the guard button.
Airstep 6 Use the left stick and attack button to take a step in midair after attacking with a sword or polearm (costs MP), one time only.
Airstride 52 Perform a second Airstep after a second midair attack with a sword or polearm.
Blink 16 Phase through an enemy's attack without using MP by pressing the guard button at the last second.
Blink Boost 32 Recover a bit of MP by blinking through attacks at the last second.
Chained Fury 10 Boost damage dealt when unscathed during chain attacks.
Daemon Destroyer 24 Warp-strike to break daemon appendages.
Death Drop 28 From afar, press the attack button in midair to warp into range and strike down from above with a sword or polearm.
Experimagic 99 Increase Noctis's MP by the number of levels he has gained. The effects of similar abilities no not stack.
Impervious 333 Negate damage by guarding immediately after being hit.
Light Phase 8 Reduce MP cost of phasing.
Osmostrike 52 Recover MP when an aerial attack connects.
Point-Blank Warp-Strike 333 Deliver a critical hit when warp-striking at close range.
Stalker 28 Boost blindside damage.
Static Edge 64 Significantly increase damage dealt after entering stasis.
Super Stalker 64 Further boost blindside damage.
Ultralight Phase 32 Further reduce MP cost of phasing.
Warp Decoy 48 Leave a hologram to divert enemies after warping.
Warp Factor 24 Boost warp-strike damage.
Warp Factor II 52 Further boost warp-strike damage.


Name AP Effect
Critical Link 333 Always deliver a critical hit when link-striking.
Limitless Link 999 Break limit on link-strike damage.
Link Up 8 Boost link-strike damage.
Super Link Up 32 Further boost link-strike damage.


Name AP Effect
Accessory Slot+ [Noctis] 16 Equip two accessories.
Accessory Slot++ [Noctis] 333 Equip three accessories.
Health Level 10 Increase HP of each party member by twice the number of levels gained.
Health Level II 99 Increase HP of each party member by five times the number of levels gained. The effects of similar abilities do not stack.
Health Level III 333 Increase HP of each party member by ten times the number of levels gained. The effects of similar abilities do not stack.
Spirit Level 99 Enhance spirit of each party member by the number of levels gained.
Strength Level 99 Enhance strength of each party member by the number of levels gained.
Vitality Level 99 Enhance vitality of each party member by the number of levels gained.


Name AP Effect
Angler Action 18 Gain 1 AP from catching a fish.
Chocobonus 99 Gain 10 EXP for every ~0.35 miles traveled by chocobo.
Chocobump 32 Gain 1 AP for every 0.875 miles traveled by chocobo.
Chocojockey 32 Gain 1 AP for winning a chocobo race.
Chocoracer 99 Gain 50 EXP for winning a chocobo race.
Expert Item Angler 555 Triple the items gained from fishing.
Happier Camping 48 Increases AP gained from camping to 3.
Happy Camping 20 Increases AP gained from camping to 2.
Item Angler 84 Double the items gained from fishing.
Reel Experience 333 Gain EXP for catching fish (each species has its own value).
Roadlife 99 Gain 10 EXP every 0.54 miles traveled by car (does not apply to flying).
Roadrunning 32 Gain 1 AP every 1.25 miles traveled by car (does not apply to flying).
Sportfishing 99 Gain extra AP for catching big fish (each species has its own value).

Wait Mode

Name AP Effect
No Mercy 32 Boost damage inflicted by a scanned enemy's elemental weakness.
Presto Libra 12 Scan enemies even faster when using Libra.
Sage 99 Boost damage inflicted by allies for each enemy scanned.
Time-Freeze 99 Stop the Wait Timer from depleting.
Time-Restore 48 Restore the Wait Timer by defeating an enemy.
Warp-Ambush 18 During Wait Mode, warp-strike an enemy not targeting Noctis to increase the likelihood of breaking its appendage.
Warp-Punish 99 During Wait Mode. warp-strike an enemy with half or less of its HP remaining to increase damage inflicted.

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