Photography Skill Information

This page contains information about the Photography skill in Final Fantasy XV (FF15, FFXV). Information of its effects, as well as how to increase its level and its importance, can be found here.

Photography Skill Information


"Prompto's area of expertise. He takes memorable shots of the famous sights he and his friends visit on their journey. His skills improve with every picture he takes."

Level Effect
Fresh Photographer -
New Filter: Roadtrip Roadtrip filter
New Filter: Memory Memory filter
Random Selfies Self-portrait
New Filter: Dawn Dawn filter
Frontline Photographer Prompto can take photos even when in Danger
New Filter: Bloom Bloom filter
Trouble Shooter Prompto can take photos even when he's busy
New Filter: Journey Journey filter
Self-Timer Prompto can include himself in group pictures

Additional Photography Skill Information

How to Increase Photography Skill Level

Prompto will take pictures of your adventures all throughout the game and each photo taken gives him SP. Photo ops anad group pictures give more SPs.

Tips for Increasing Photography Skill Level

Prompto will automatically take pictures as you progress. You can supplement this by participating in photo op sidequests that are triggered while you travel around significant locations.

You can also use the Snapshot ascension ability in battle to take more photos. Equipping the camera strap accessory increases the maximum number of photos that can be taken in one day by 5.

Final Fantasy XV Related Information

Skills Banner (1).png

Character Skills

Fishing Survival
Cooking Photography


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