Ignis Character Information

This is the character sheet page for Ignis in the game Final Fantasy XV (FFXV, FF15). Consider this a comprehensive list of a character's stats and skills. Read on for more information on characters like Noctis and company!

Character Profile - Ignis


Name Ignis Scientia
Age 22
Birthday February 7
Weapon Daggers, Polearms
Skill Cooking

Ignis was raised alongside Prince Noctis to be adviser to the heir apparent. An intensive education instilled in him the resourcefulness and composure required for the role, his tactical acumen proving invaluable over the course of the prince's journey.

Skills and Abilities


"Ignis's area of expertise. He is almost solely responsible for preparing camp meals. His skills improve with every dish he makes."

Level / Effect
New Recipe: Croque Madame
New Recipe: Prairie-Style Skewers
New Recipe: Oil-Drizzled Steamed Fish
New Recipe: Breaded Cutlet with Tomato
New Recipe: Creamy Fowl Saute
New Recipe: Fluffy Chiffon Cake
New Recipe: Robust Bean Soup
New Recipe: Creamy Milk Risotto
New Recipe: Lasagna al Forno
New Recpie: Golden Tail Soup



Name AP Effect
Magic Level 48 Enhance magic of each party member by the number of levels gained.
Magic Level II 99 Enhance magic of each party member by three times the number of levels gained.


Name AP Effect
Advanced First Aid [Ignis] 99 Recover a little HP with a fancy first aid kit when HP is low.
Comeback 99 Fully restore an ally's HP after taking them out of danger.
Expert First Aid [Ignis] 333 Recover HP with a fully-stocked first aid kit when HP is low.
First Aid [Ignis] 24 Recover a bit of HP with a first aid kit when HP is low.
Savior's Force 48 Boost an ally's attack after taking them out of danger.
Savior's Fortitude 20 Boost an ally's defense after taking them out of danger.
Savior's Vengeance 48 Boost an ally's critical hit rate after taking them out of danger.


Name AP Effect
Change to Ignis 20 Take control of Ignis mid-battle with L1 + L2.
Enhancement 18 Imbue Noctis's weapon with the element his target is weakest to. Depletes tech bar by one.
Limit Break [Ignis] 999 Break limit on damage from Ignis's techniques.
Overwhelm 18 Concentrate ally attacks on a foe with devastating Deathblow strikes. Depletes the tech bar by two.
Quick Tech 333 Accelerate tech bar replenishment rate.
Regroup 8 Bring all allies together in stalwart defense. Rescues from danger and restores HP quickly. Depletes tech bar by two.
Sagefire 72 Unleash a devastating fire attack with daggers. Depletes tech bar by three.


Name AP Effect
Analyze 6 Automatically scan most enemies' weaknesses at the onset of battle.
Critical Link 333 Always deliver a critical hit when link-striking.
Lancet 18 Deliver a counterattack and drain an enemy's HP with a polearm.
Limitless Link 999 Break limit on link-strike damage.
Link Up 8 Boost link-strike damage.
Regenerate 99 Heal an ally with a hidden HP recovery item.
Super Link Up 32 Further boost link-strike damage.
Venom Fang 24 Poison an enemy with daggers when Noctis chain attacks it.
Virulent Venom 64 Boost Venom Fang damage.


Name AP Effect
Accessory Slot+ [Ignis] 16 Equip two accessories.
Accessory Slot++ [Ignis] 333 Equip three accessories.
Health Level 10 Increase HP of each party member by twice the number of levels gained.
Health Level II 99 Increase HP of each party member by five times the number of levels gained. The effects of similar abilities do not stack.
Health Level III 333 Increase HP of each party member by ten times the number of levels gained. The effects of similar abilities do not stack.
Spirit Level 99 Enhance spirit of each party member by the number of levels gained.
Strength Level 99 Enhance strength of each party member by the number of levels gained.
Vitality Level 99 Enhance vitality of each party member by the number of levels gained.


Name AP Effect
Aftertaste 18 Extends food effects from camp to the following sunrise.
Appetize 20 Gain 1 AP from cooking a party member's favorite food.
Chocobonus 99 Gain 10 EXP for every ~0.35 miles traveled by chocobo.
Chocobump 32 Gain 1 AP for every 0.875 miles traveled by chocobo.
Happier Camping 48 Increases AP gained from camping to 3.
Happy Camping 20 Increases AP gained from camping to 2.
Lingering Aftertaste 99 Extends food effects from camp to the sunset of the next day.
Persistent Aftertaste 333 Extends food effects from camp to the sunrise after the next day.
Roadlife 99 Gain 10 EXP every 0.54 miles traveled by car (does not apply to flying).
Roadrunning 32 Gain 1 AP every 1.25 miles traveled by car (does not apply to flying).

Wait Mode

Name AP Effect
No Mercy 32 Boost damage inflicted by a scanned enemy's elemental weakness.
Sage 99 Boost damage inflicted by allies for each enemy scanned.

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