FF7 Remake

Whisper Viridi Weaknesses and Obtainable Items

111-Whisper Viridi_FFVII.jpg

This page contains the stats and weaknesses of Whisper Viridi, an enemy from Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7 Remake). Read on to learn the items dropped from this enemy, as well as AP, gil, abilities, and locations, as well as tips on how to beat Whisper Viridi!

Whisper Viridi Stats and Information

Whisper Viridi Basic Information

Whisper Viridi
Whisper Viridi Enemy Icon
Species Movement Type
Unreadable Grounded Mini-Boss


An entity from a future timeline that has manifested in the present day. It fights barehanded to protect the future that gave shape to it.

Assess (Tips)

Unable to read.

Whisper Viridi Stats

Easy Normal Hard
HP 7264 13208 17685
Attack 222 328
Magic Attack 222 328
Defense 248 337
Magic Defense 230 312

Whisper Viridi Weaknesses & Resistances

Weakness / Status Ailments -
Lesser Resistances Silence
Greater Resistances Fixed Damage, Proportional Damage
Immunities Poison, Sleep, Slow, Stop, Berserk
Absorbed Elements Lightning

How to Stagger Whisper Viridi

Stagger Rates

×No effect ×No effect ×No effect ×No effect
×No effect ×No effect ×No effect -

Stagger Length

Stagger Length 15 seconds

Whisper Viridi Abilities

Azure Wave
Azure Plume
Azure Burst


Rewards for Defeating

Easy/Normal Hard
Gil 1450 2250
AP 10 30
Exp 580 1800
Items Dropped -
Rare Items Dropped -
Steal -

Areas Encountered

Locations Midgar Expressway

Related Links

List of Unreadable Enemies

List of Unreadable Enemies
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Bahamut Ifrit Mysterious Spectre Enigmatic Spectre
Whisper Harbinger Whisper Rubrum Whisper Viridi Whisper Croceo
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See All Enemies


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