Assassin's Creed Mirage (AC Mirage)

The Slave Trapper Walkthrough

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The Slave Trapper is a contract mission you can take on in Assassin's Creed Mirage (AC Mirage). Read on for the contract details, how to start, how to assassinate the Slave Trapper undetected, and the rewards for completing the quest.

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The Informant -

Contract Details

The Slave Trapper
A Slave Trapper is visiting Baghdad. Assassinate hiim.
Contractor Request Remain undetected.
Mission Location Northeast of the Sharqiyah Bureau.

How to Start the Slave Trapper

From Contract Boards in Hidden One Bureaus

AC Mirage - Contract Missions

You can start The Slave Trapper contract mission by accepting the quest from the Contract Board in any Hidden One Bureau.

To access these contract boards, you'll need to finish the Zeroing In Main Quest to unlock them. Upon returning to the Harbiyah Bureau, Abu Jafar will grant you access to the contract boards.

Requires Completion of the Informant

To unlock The Slave Trapper from the contracts board, you'll need to complete The Informant contract mission.

Although The Slave Trapper is story-wise the mission directly after The Informant, it requires you to also progress the Main Mission and complete Den of the Beast.

Once you complete The Informant and Den of the Beast, you will receive a notification that a new contract is available to start at the Hidden One Bureaus.

The Informant Walkthrough

The Slave Trapper Walkthrough

The Slave Trapper

Head to the Plaza Near Sharqiyah Burea

Make your way to the small plaza northeast of the Sharqiyah Bureau. We recommend heading up the rooftops to get a head start tracking the Slave Merchant.

Follow the Slave Merchant

Use your Eagle Vision to search for the Slave Merchant who is highlighted in orange when scanning. Once you approach him from the rooftops, he will start moving.

Following the Slave Merchant is a bit easier since the rooftops and tightropes that you can move through are relatively free of guards, and the few guards that you may encounter in the rooftops are far away from witnesses.
How to Use Eagle Vision

Eavesdrop on the Merchants

The Slave Merchant will eventually gather with a group of other merchants in the small market area in front of the Great Garrison. Sit on the nearby bench and eavesdrop on their conversation to learn that the Slave Trapper is still rounding up slaves for the market.

How to Eavesdrop and Listen to Conversations

Infiltrate the Great Garrison

Head to the right side of the Great Garrison on the part of the wall undergoing repairs and head inside the small opening to enter the Great Garrison.

Locate the Slave Trapper

Use Enkidu to scan the area on the northwestern side of the Great Garrison. The Slave Trapper is located in a small opening where some slaves are lined up.

Focus on the Slave Trapper while controlling Enkidu to mark him and make him easier to track.

Eagle Controls - How to Use Enkidu

Assassinate the Guards

Make your way silently to the western side of the Great Garrison and assassinate the guards you come across. There guards in the garrison are a bit spaced out so the only ones you need to assassinate are the ones on the rooftops that may spot you navigating the open area.

Lure and Assassinate the Slave Trapper

The Slave Trapper will start roaming the western side of the Great Garrison after you spot him from his starting spot, giving plenty of instances to lure him out and assassinate him in one of the hiding places.

Take note that the Slave Trapper is accompanied by 2 unarmored guards, but they are easy to lure away from the Slave Trapper. Once the target is alone, lure him close to your hiding spot and assassinate him.

Leave the Great Garrison

You need to remain undetected leaving the Great Garrison to meet the contractor request, so head up the battlements on the western side of the Great Garrison and jump down the street to complete the contract mission.

Note: Make sure to avoid jumping down in an area where there is a patrolling guard or the contractor request will fail. Instead, use a Throwing Knife to kill the guard near the street from the ramparts or put them to sleep with your Blowdart.

The Slave Trapper Rewards

Rewards 2 Power Favor Tokens
45 Components
Rostam Sword Schematic
Contractor Request Rewards 2 Power Favor Tokens
65 Dirham

Completing the quest rewards 2 Power Favor Tokens, 45 Components, and the Rostam Sword Schematic.

Successfully completing the optional contractor request will reward you an additional 2 Power Favor Tokens and 65 Dirham.

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