Assassin's Creed Mirage (AC Mirage)

Abbasiyah Tale of Baghdad Walkthrough: Blade In The Crowd, Tool In The Shed

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AC Mirage Blade In The Crowd Tool In The Shed

Blade In The Crowd, Tool In The Shed is the Abbasiyah Tale of Baghdad in Assassin's Creed Mirage (AC Mirage). Read on for a walkthrough and to learn the rewards and location of Blade In The Crowd, Tool In The Shed.

Abbasiyah Tale of Baghdad Walkthrough

Assassinate the Bigger Guard First

AC Mirage Abbasiyah Tale of Baghdad

For the Abbasiyah Tale of Baghdad, you just need to assassinate the two guards in the Restricted Area. It'll make it easier if you sneak into the area and Assassinate the bigger guard first since the Hidden Blade is a one-shot kill.

If you're fast enough, you can Assassinate the other guard first before Naaji attacks him. Either way, you'll have to fight two more guards in the Restricted Area.

Abbasiyah Tale of Baghdad Rewards

150 Dirham From Two Guards

Blade In The Crowd, Tool In The Shed doesn't directly give you rewards for completing. Though, killing each guard gets you 75 Dirham, for a total of 150 Dirham—a greater total than the other 2 Tales of Baghdad that reward money (Holy Mission and Treasure Hunt)

How to Farm Money

Abbasiyah Tale of Baghdad Location

Abbasiyah District

Map View
World View
Haylanah (South of Pharmacy of Haylanah and Tax Collector's Mansion)

Blade In The Crowd, Tool In The Shed is found at Haylanah (South of Pharmacy of Haylanah and Tax Collector's Mansion) in Abbasiyah . Talk to Naaji to start the quest.

The other Abbasiyah Tale of Baghdad is A Life's Work, the Observatory Tale of Baghdad.

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1 Altconover 1 year

I completed his quest « Blade in the crowd, tool in the shed » before finishing the main quest. After the main story, I went back to Abbasiyah’s bureau to get some contracts. Naaji was on a bench before the bureau dressed with another outfit and without his mask. There was a dialogue prompt and he gave me a power token.


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