Assassin's Creed Mirage (AC Mirage)

All Skill Trees and Available Skills

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Skills in Assassin's Creed Mirage (AC Mirage) are divided into three Skill Trees that improve Basim's abilities in the game. Read on for a list of all the skill trees in the game, all skills in each tree, how to unlock them, the unlock priority for each, and how to refund skills in this guide!

Skills Guides
Best Skills to Unlock All Skill Trees

List of All Skills

There are a total of 23 Skills in Assassin's Creed Mirage that are divided into 3 trees - Phantom, Trickster, and Predator.

These skills enhance Basim's combat abilities, proficiency in tools, and stealth. Check out all the skills you can get in the game and which one you should get first from each tree!

Phantom Skills

All Skills
Phantom Trickster Predator

Phantom Skills are skills used for stealth and certain combat abilities to make fights easier. These are great skills to prioritize if you want to focus on enhancing your stealth skills and make assassinations easier.

Skill Unlock Priority Cost Effect
AsassinBreakfall ★★★ 2 Basim automatically performs a roll when landing from a dangerous height, reducing the amount of damage taken.
AsassinKick Back ★★ 1 After a successful Parry, press “Y” to strike the parried enemy. Use “L” to strike in another direction.
AsassinChain Assassination ★★ 3 After performing an assassination, assassinate a second nearby enemy or throw a knife at a distant one if Throwing Knives are available.
AsassinCounter Roll ★★ 4 Dodge towards an enemy’s Unblockable Attack just before it lands to vault directly behind them. A strong strategy against armored opponents.
AsassinAir Strike 3 Slows down time while aiming with Throwing Knives in mid-air.
AsassinAssassin's Focus Capacity 1 2 Add an additional Chuck to the Focus Bar.
AsassinAssassin's Focus Capacity 2 3 Adds 2 additional Chucks to the Focus Bar.
AsassinFocus Boost 4 Focus Bar will refill faster after each stealth kill.

List of Phantom Skills

Trickster Skills

All Skills
Phantom Trickster Predator

Trickster Skills refer to skills used to enhance Tools and other consumables. Some skills in this tree will let you have another Tool slot in your arsenal, thus giving you more ways to deal with enemies.

Skill Unlock Priority Cost Effect
AsassinExtra Tool Capacity 1 ★★★ 2 You can unlock a new slot for a Tool by visiting the Banu Musa at a Hidden Ones’ Bureau. However, once acquired, this skill cannot be reset.
AsassinExtra Tool Capacity 3 ★★★ 2 You can unlock a new slot for a Tool by visiting the Banu Musa at a Hidden Ones’ Bureau. However, once acquired, this skill cannot be reset.
AsassinKnife Recovery ★★★ 3 All the Throwing Knives that hit an enemy can be retrieved from their corpse.
AsassinAuto-Collect ★★ 1 Loot an enemy automatically after a Stealth kill or assassination.
AsassinExtra Tool Capacity 2 ★★ 2 You can unlock a new slot for a Tool by visiting the Banu Musa at a Hidden Ones' Bureau. However, once acquired, this skill cannot be reset.
AsassinPickpocket Master ★★ 4 Basim’s skills as a Pickpocket increase, helping him retrieve his target’s valuables more efficiently.
AsassinElixir Pocket 2 Increase the maximum number of Elixirs you can carry at the same time by 1.
AsassinEngineer 4 You can select a second Tier 1 Tool Upgrade for each available Tool. Warning: Resetting will remove all Tier 1 Perks from the Tool. Visit the Banu Musa to reapply them.

List of Trickster Skills

Predator Skills

All Skills
Phantom Trickster Predator

Predator Skills refer to skills that enhance Basim's combat abilities. Unlock skills in this tree if you want to have the advantage in combat and also improve Enkidu's abilities.

Skill Unlock Priority Cost Effect
AsassinPathfinder ★★★ 1 Enkidu’s View reveals Keys and highlights opportunities like Chests with a glow. Secret Entrances are also easier to discover.
AsassinEnkidu Acuity 2 ★★ 2 Enkidu's perception is increased, making tagging enemies easier.
AsassinEnkidu Acuity 1 ★★ 2 Enkidu's perception is increased, making tagging enemies easier.
AsassinEmergency Aim ★★ 3 Holding “LT” will snap your aim to an enemy as they detect you, giving you an opportunity to kill them and remain undetected.
AsassinStealth Recon ★★ 5 Automatically highlights enemies when crouched and undetected.
AsassinEagle Sense 3 Enkidu's Eye reveals the Patrol Path of marked enemies.
AsassinVision Boost 3 Increase Eagle Vision radius.

List of Predator Skills

How to Unlock Skills

Unlock with Skill Points From the Skills Menu

AC Mirage - Use to Upgrade Skills

Skills can be unlocked by going to the Skills Menu and spending Skill Points. Each Skill comes with a skill cost and the stronger that skill is, the higher its cost.

To obtain Skill Points, you'll have to progress through missions, Contracts, and some Tales of Baghdad quests!

How to Get Skill Points

How to Refund Skills

Reset All Skills in the Skills Menu


You can refund your skills from Skills Menu as well! The button to reset the skills can be found at the lower right part of the screen. Toggle this button on your controller to refund all of your skill points.

After doing so, you can reallocate them to your preferred skills.

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