Assassin's Creed Mirage (AC Mirage)

How to Pickpocket

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AC Mirage - How to Pickpocket

Pickpocket NPCs in Assassin's Creed Mirage (AC Mirage) by looting their pouches from behind. Read on to learn how to pickpocket successfully, best pickpocket route, and how to find pickpocket targets!

Best Pickpocket Route

Route Between the Cartographer and Basra Gate in Round City

The best pickpocket route is the road between the Cartographer and Basra Gate in Round City. The area is packed with civilians, mostly wearing gold pouches, that you can pickpocket to obtain plenty of Dirham, expensive trinkets and Favor Tokens.

Pickpocket Route Map Location

You can start from the Cartographer or the bench location near Basra Gate and pickpocket all the way to the opposite end of the route.

Once you pickpocket the civilians, head to the bench location and sit on it to pass the time. Passing the time resets all the civilians in the area, allowing you to pickpocket again.

How to Pickpocket

How to Pickpocket

Go Behind an NPC

AC Mirage - Go Behind an NPC
Go behind civilians you wish to pickpocket. You can pickpocket anyone with pouches behind them. These pouches will glow when a pickpocket attempt is available.

Pickpocket Your Targeted NPC

AC Mirage - Pickpocket Your Targeted NPC
Press the pickpocket button when prompted. Basim will move closer to his victim, and this will initiate a mini-game that determines the success of the pickpocket attempt.

Put a guard to sleep before pickpocketing them

If you are trying to pickpocket a key from a guard, you have the option to use a Blowdart to put them to sleep first.

This is a quieter alternative to assassinating the guard and looting the key as it does not leave a dead body and you can slip away easily. In addition, performing the above steps gives you the missable You Snooze, You Lose achievement.

You Snooze You Lose Trophy Guide

Stop the Line Inside the Shape

AC Mirage - Stop the Line Inside the Shape
The mini-game will start with a line and a shape. Stop the line inside the shape by pressing the pickpocket button to pickpocket successfully.

If you fail the minigame, the civilian that you are attempting to pickpocket will spot you and call the guards. If you unsuccessfully pickpocket, they will immediately become hostile.

Unlock Pickpocket Master for easier pickpocketing

Skill Unlock Priority Cost Effect
AsassinPickpocket Master ★★ 4 Basim’s skills as a Pickpocket increase, helping him retrieve his target’s valuables more efficiently.

Pickpocket Master skill from the Trickster Skill Tree increases the size of the blue diamond when attempting to pickpocket a target. The skill costs 4 Skill Points to unlock.

Move Away from the Pickpocketed NPC

Make sure to move away from the pickpocketed civilian as they will call the guards if you linger around the area for too long. If it's a pickpocketed guard, they will become suspicious and may start a fight with you.

Optional: Enable Guaranteed Pickpocket to Disable QTE Minigame

Turning on this setting will make pickpocketing much easier as it will remove the QTE (Quick Time Event) whenever you attempt to pickpocket a target. This is recommeded timesaver when farming for Dirham, trade goods, and Favor Tokens.

However, be wary that turning this option on is basically removing a part of the game and may remove an intended experience designed by the developers.

Best Settings and Gameplay Configurations

How to Find Pickpocket Targets

Use Eagle Vision to Find the Glowing Pouches

AC Mirage - Pickpocket NPCs

Eagle Vision will allow you to find targets with pick pocketable items from their waist. Use this when roaming to find good pickpocket targets to obtain some Dirhams and trade goods to supply yourself with some needed cash.

Gold Glowing Pouches Offer Better Loot

AC Mirage - Gold Glowing Pouches Offer Better Loot
Certain civilians, such as the ones in Round City, have gold glowing pouches instead of the usual white. This indicates that they have better loot that you can pickpocket such as more expensive trinkets, more Dirham, and is more likely to include Favor Tokens.

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