Assassin's Creed Mirage (AC Mirage)

In Pursuit of Truth Mission Walkthrough

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In Pursuit of Truth is the final main mission found in Assassin's Creed Mirage (AC Mirage). Read on to see a In Pursuit of Truth guide, overview, and tips and tricks we've discovered for this story quest!

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The Last Journey -

Mission Objectives

  1. Hurry Back to The Camp
  2. Save Rayhan
  3. Go to The Temple
  4. Eliminate The Intruders
  5. Defeat Roshan
  6. Enter The Inner Sanctum
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The Last Journey -

1. Hurry Back to The Camp

Exit the cave and mount Nur's horse to hurry back to the Assassin's camp.

Once Basim arrives near the canyon entrance, climb up the left side and cross over to the right side to play a cutscene.

2. Save Rayhan

Step 1: Chain Assassinate Into Assassin's Focus

Walk along the wooden platforms until Basim reaches the end of the path. Chain assassinate the first two enemies, and then use Assassin's Focus to dispatch the remaining 2 enemies on the bridge.

Step 2: Climb The Rocks Near The Bushes

Cross the bridge and climb up the rocks on the right side to avoid being spotted by enemies. Kill the lone guard waiting above. and free-run across some wooden beams to reach another platform.

Step 3: Free Run Across The Beams

Free-run across some wooden beams to reach another platform. Chain assassinate the next two guards and sneak up behind the last enemy to dispatch him.

Step 4: Use Assassin's Focus

Sneak up on the last guard on the ledge and use Assassin's Focus to dispatch the remaining guards. Untie mentor Rayhan once all the guards are dead to progress.

3. Go to The Temple

Follow the objective marker into the temple. The same temple where Basim complete the Brotherhood's initiation ritual.

4. Eliminate The Intruders

Step 1: Dispatch The Two Guards Above

Assassinate the lone guard on the ground floor and take the ladder on the left to get behind the first guard.

Assassinate the first guard and run to dispatch the second.

Step 2: Kill The Lone Guard

Amongst the 5 guards in the vicinity, one will separate and climb up the ramp towards where Basim just killed two guards.

Wait for this guard to head towards Basim and kill him.

Step 3: Use Assassin's Focus

Use Assassin's Focus to dispatch the 4 guards who remain in the ritual area.

Afterwards, use eagle vision to locate and interact with a glowing symbol on the wall to trigger a cutscene and begin a duel against Roshan.

5. Defeat Roshan

Roshan does not have any notable moves and acts like most other enemies. She will have light attacks that can be parried, and heavy attacks that must be avoided.

The fight ends when roshan has around 5-10% hp left, so just treat this fight like you would any other fight and Basim should come out on top.

6. Enter The Hidden Sanctum

Once Roshan has been bested, head into the inner sanctum for a cinematic sequence that marks the completion of Assassin's Creed Mirage.

Tips and Strategies for In Pursuit of Truth

Use Throwing Knives Against Roshan

Successfully landing a Throwing Knife on Roshan will trigger a special cutscene and immediately bring her down to 50% hp.

Parry Roshan

Like most enemies, successfully parrying Roshan will stun her for a few seconds and leave her vulnerable to a string of attacks.

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