Assassin's Creed Mirage (AC Mirage)

Best Weapons Tier List

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AC Mirage - Best Weapons Tier List
Find out what are the best weapons to equip in Assassin's Creed Mirage (AC Mirage) with our tier list. Read on for a ranking of the best swords and daggers for combat, each weapon's perks, and why you should equip them.

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Best Weapons Tier List

Best Swords Tier List

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Swords Daggers
Tier Rating Sword Perk and Weapon Damage
S Rank Icon AssassinRostam Sword ・Can deal the highest damage out of all the swords when attacking consecutively.
Zanj Uprising SwordZanj Uprising Sword ・Can deal high damage when regularly dodging attacks.
AssassinShamshir-e Zomorrodnegar ・Increases Basim's damage by 50% at the cost of 50% lower health.
A Rank Icon Initiate of Alamut Sword IconInitiate of Alamut Sword ・ Can deal high damage with weapon attacks when performing a perfect parry.
Hidden One Sword IconHidden One Sword ・The best sword to use against armored guards and Shakiriyya.
Abbasid Knight SwordAbbasid Knight Sword ・Increases Basim's overall damage when at low health.
B Rank Icon AssassinSand Sword ・Regenerates Basim's health when killing enemies when time is slowed.
AssassinLightning Sword ・Deal lightning damage AOE damage every third hit against an enemy.
C Tier AssassinDemon Claw ・Can spread fire damage when attacking an enemy that's on fire.
AssassinJinn Sword ・Increases Basim's damage by 50% when attacking enemies afflicted with status ailments.
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Best Daggers Tier List

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Swords Daggers
Tier Rating Dagger Perk and Weapon Damage
S Rank Icon Initiate of Alamut Dagger IconInitiate of Alamut Dagger ・The best dagger for parrying enemies due to its additional defense damage.
AssassinThe Samsaama ・Allows Basim to heal damage for every fifth hit dealt against an enemy.
AssassinDagger of Time ・A great dagger for taking on groups of enemies due to its slow time effect when parrying.
A Rank Icon AssassinLightning Dagger ・A great weapon for taking on groups of enemies due to its 50% Damage and Damage Resistance buff.
Abbasid Knight Dagger IconAbbasid Knight Dagger ・Increases Basim's health by 30% when low at health, ideal for tough enemy encounters.
Zanj Uprising DaggerZanj Uprising Dagger ・The best dagger when taking on armored guards due to its stamina refill perk.
B Rank Icon Rostam Dagger IconRostam Dagger ・A niche dagger that increases the damage of throwing knives at close range.
Hidden One Dagger IconHidden One Dagger ・A niche dagger that's only useful when taking on groups of enemies to spread poison damage.
C Tier AssassinDemon Fang ・A niche dagger that's only useful against enemies that you can parry.
AssassinJinn Dagger ・The weakest dagger in the game due to the perk only increasing the duration of status ailments.
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Tier List Criteria

AC Mirage - Tier List Criteria

The criteria for our Best Weapons Tier List focuses on each weapon's damage and defense damage, when dealing damage to an enemy's health and defense meter respectively.

We also take into account the usefulness of each weapon's Perk and how viable they are during combat.

Best Swords Tier List Placement

Rostam Sword

Assassin Rostam Sword
Dmg 60
Def. Dmg 35
Perk Chain Reaction
Every consecutive Attack deals +5% damage, up to a maximum of +50%.
Description The hero Rostam grew deadlier with every strike.

The Rostam Sword is our pick for the best sword in terms of pure damage, with its Chain Reaction perk increasing the damage of your attacks by +5% up to a maximum of +50%.

The sword can deal a maximum of 90 Damage without any upgrades, and unlike other swords, only requires you to constantly attack enemies to get the damage buff. This makes it one of the strongest swords for taking out armored guards and Shakiriyya.

The Rostam Sword is also relatively easy to get, only requiring you to complete The Weapons Dealer contract mission.
How to Get Rostam Sword

Zanj Uprising Sword

Assassin Zanj Uprising Sword
Dmg 60
Def. Dmg 35
Perk Strike Back
After a perfect Dodge, next Attack deals +50% damage.
Description Zanj revels strike hardest after dodging blows.

The Zanj Uprising Sword is a close second for the best sword in the game in terms of pure damage thanks to its Strike Back perk that increases the damage of your next attack by +50% after dodging.

Although you can technically get better up time with the damage boost with this weapon, you need to constantly dodge to get the damage boost which can leave you vulnerable if you run out of stamina.

You can get this sword as soon as you reach Baghdad by looting the Third Gear chest in Harbiyah*, which means you can get a very powerful sword early in the game by just exploring the map.

How to Get Zanj Uprising Sword

Shamshir-e Zomorrodnegar

Assassin Shamshir-e Zomorrodnegar
Dmg 46
Def. Dmg 78
Perk Blood Price
Maximum Health is lowered by 50%, but damage is increased by 50%.
Description The Isu sacrificed much to destroy their foes.

The Shamshir-e Zomorrodnegar is another contender for the strongest sword in the game. Unlike the Rostam and Zanj Uprising Sword, this weapon's Blood Price perk grants you a permanent 50% increase by just equipping the weapon.

The tradeoff is that this weapon also lowers Basim's health by 50%, turning you into a glass cannon that can only take a few hits before going down.

Thus weapon also requires significant game progression to unlock, requiring you to finish The Calling quest and collect 3 Mysterious Shards to loot the weapon from the Ancient Place. To compensate, it's already fully upgraded once you obtain it.

How to Get Shamshir-e Zomorrodnegar

Initiate of Alamut Sword

Assassin Initiate of Alamut Sword
Dmg 50
Def. Dmg 50
Perk Sharpened Blade
After a successful Parry, next Attack deals +50% damage.
Description A keen parry opens up vital opportunities.

The Initiate of Alamut Sword is the first sword that you'll get in the game. Offering balanced damage and defense damage, it's a reliable sword that you can fully upgrade by just progressing the main mission to get its schematics.

Its Sharpened Blade perk increases the damage of your next attack by +50% after a successful parry. While strong, this doesn't work against armored guards as you can't parry any of their attacks. This limits its overall usefulness against these enemies, but is still a great choice for general combat.

How to Get Initiate of Alamut Sword

Hidden One Sword

Hidden One Sword
Dmg 35
Def. Dmg 60
Perk Venomous
Every fifth hit Poisons the enemy.
Description Master Assassins use poison indiscriminately.

The Hidden One Sword is obtainable as soon as you reach Baghdad and looting the gear chest in the Spymaster's Camp in the wilderness. Although it has lower base damage compared to other swords, its Venomous allows you to poison enemies with every 5th hit against the enemy.

This makes it a great weapon to use against armored guards. While you're doing less damage with the sword itself, the poison damage more than makes up for it and can quickly eat at the enemy's HP with repeated strikes.

How to Get Hidden One Sword

Abbasid Knight Sword

Assassin Abbasid Knight Sword
Dmg 50
Def. Dmg 50
Perk On the Edge
When Basim's Health is lower than 50%, Light Attacks deal +30% damage.
Description Abbasids hit hardest when they're desperate.

The Abbasid Knight Sword is a balanced sword that you can get as soon as you reach Baghdad and loot the First Gear chest in Abbasiyah. When Basim's health is lower than 50%, its On the Edge perk increases the damage of his attacks by +30%.

This weapon shines against stronger foes such as armored guards and Shakiriyya who can deal enough damage to activate the sword's perk but is generally outclassed by its contemporaries. You also need to stay at low health to activate the perk, which can prove deadly if the enemy manages to land a hit.

How to Get Abbasid Knight Sword

Sand Sword

Assassin Sand Sword
Dmg 50
Def. Dmg 50
Perk Healing Sand
Killing an enemy while time has slowed down regenerates 20% Health.
Description Lives this blade steals can heal its wielder.

The Sand Sword is a DLC weapon that you can get free if you pre-ordered the game, but is still obtainable by purchasing it from the Animus Store for $9.99. Its Healing Sand perk regenerates 20% of Basim's health whenever he kills an enemy while time has slowed down.

This weapon requires both the Dagger of Time and the Sand Outfit to reliably proc the health regen, which limits your options. While the sword has balanced offensive stats, its generally outclassed by stronger weapons.

How to Get Sand Sword

Lightning Sword

Assassin Lightning Sword
Dmg 65
Def. Dmg 65
Perk Thunderstruck
Every third Attack deals 50 Lightning damage to 4 nearby enemies.
Description Deadly, precise and thunderingly devastating.

The Lightning Sword is a DLC weapon that you can purchase from the Animus Store for $4.99. Its Thunderstruck perk causes you to deal 50 Lighting Damage for every third attack, which can also damage 4 nearby enemies.

This is technically the strongest sword in terms of pure damage thanks to the Lightning Damage and the ease of activating its perk. However, we've placed it lower on the list since you need to purchase it from the store.
How to Get Lightning Sword

Demon Claw

Assassin Demon Claw
Dmg 65
Def. Dmg 65
Perk Burning Blade
Attacking burning enemies sets weapon on fire for 10 seconds, and can apply fire to attacked enemies.
Description A devil's claw first described in ancient tomes.

The Demon Claw is a DLC weapon that you can purchase from the Animus Store for $14.99. Its Burning Blade perk sets the weapon on fire when attacking burning enemies, which can then apply fire damage to enemies that you attack.

Although the fire damage is useful against armored guards, the way to activate the effect by pairing it with the Demon Fang dagger requires you to parry attacks which you can't do against armored enemies.

It's also difficult to inflict fire damage against enemies normally other than with fire pots, which usually kills enemies outright. This ultimately makes the Demon Claw a niche weapon with little practical applications in combat.

How to Get Demon Claw

Jinn Sword

Assassin Jinn Sword
Dmg 78
Def. Dmg 46
Perk Weakness
Attacks on enemies with Afflictions deal +50% damage.
Description The deadly power of the Jinn fused with a sword.

The Jinn Sword is a DLC weapon that you can purchase from the Animus Store for $9.99. Its Weakness perk increases your damge by +50% against targets that have afflictions.

Like the Demon Claw, this weapon has little practical applications since it requires you to go out of your way to inflict debuffs or poison against enemies. This means that while it can technically reach a higher base damage than the Lightning Sword, the perk is more difficult to reliably activate.

How to Get Jinn Sword

Best Daggers Tier List Placement

Initiate of Alamut Dagger

Assassin Initiate of Alamut Dagger
Dmg 30
Def. Dmg 30
Perk Aggressive Defense
Parries deal +25 Defense damage.
Description New initiates receive this dagger to train with.

The Initiate of Alamut Dagger is our pick for the best dagger in the game. Its Aggressive Defense perk causes you to deal +25 Damage when parrying, which often allows you to instantly stun guards and assassinate them.

Although useless against armored enemies, this dagger allows you to instantly kill unarmored enemies that may accompany armored guards by just parrying them.

This dagger is also available at the very start of the game and the upgrades are obtainable by simply progressing the main mission.

How to Get Initiate of Alamut Dagger

The Samsaama

Assassin The Samsaama
Dmg 27
Def. Dmg 47
Perk Life Steal
Every fifth Hit heals Basim for 10% of his health.
Description Ancient magic steals life force for the wielder.

The Samsaama is a legendary dagger that you can obtain from the Ancient Place by offering 2 Mysterious Shards and requires completing the midgame quest The Calling.

The dagger's Life Steal perk allows Basim to heal 10% of his health for every 5th hit, making it great to use against groups of enemies and Shakiriyya.

How to Get The Samsaama

Dagger of Time

Assassin Dagger of Time
Dmg 30
Def. Dmg 30
Perk Dagger of Time
Perfect Parries slow down time for 3 seconds.
Description Legend says the Sands within can control Time.

The Dagger of Time is a DLC weapon that you can get free if you pre-ordered the game, but is still obtainable by purchasing it from the Animus Store for $9.99.

The weapon's Dagger of Time perk slows down time whenever you perfect parry an enemy, making it a great choice to use against groups of enemies. It's also useful when you're being pursued by enemies but don't want to fight since the 3 second time slow gives you enough time to sprint towards a hiding spot.

How to Get Dagger of Time

Lightning Dagger

Assassin Lightning Dagger
Dmg 39
Def. Dmg 39
Perk One-man Army
When surrounded by more than 2 enemies, Damage and Damage Resistance are increased by 50%.
Description Perfectly balanced and charged with lightning.

The Lightning Dagger is a DLC weapon that you can purchase from the Animus Store for $4.99. Its One-man Army perk makes this dagger one of the best to use when fighting against groups of enemies, increasing your Damage and Damage Resistance by 50%.

This weapon has a niche when fighting against Shakiriyya since you need have a high notoriety for them to spawn and they're often accompanied by guards.

We rated the dagger a bit lower on the list since you need to buy it from the Animus Store, but it's worth it if you plan to take on the Shakiriyya at the highest difficullty.

How to Get Lightning Dagger

Abbasid Knight Dagger

Assassin Abbasid Knight Dagger
Dmg 30
Def. Dmg 30
Perk Resilient
When Basim's Health is lower than 50%, Damage Resistance is increased by 30%.
Description Used by Abbasids after suffering injuries.

The Abbasid Knight Dagger is a weapon that you can obtain as soon as you reach Baghdad and is a great weapon to use when fighting groups of enemies or the Shakiriyya thanks to its Resilient Perk which increases Basim's Damage Resistance by 30% when at less than 50% health.

You can reliably keep the perk up at low health as long as you time your dodges carefully when fighting against Shakiriyya or groups of enemies. It's lower on the list due to the Lightning Dagger also providing a damage buff, but this weapon is still a good alternative to those who don't want to purchase from the Animus Store.

How to Get Abbasid Knight Dagger

Zanj Uprising Dagger

Assassin Zanj Uprising Dagger
Dmg 36
Def. Dmg 21
Perk Second Wind
Successful Dodges refill 10% of Stamina.
Description Rewards nimble wielders with channeled energy.

The Zanj Uprising Dagger is another weapon that you can get early in the game and is another great dagger to equip when fighting against armored enemies.

Thanks to its Second Wind perk, Basim will restore 10% of his Stamina when he successfully dodges. With how slow armored enemies attack, you can reliably proc this effect when fighting against them though it falls in usage against the relatively faster Shakiriyya.

How to Get Zanj Uprising Dagger

Rostam Dagger

Assassin Rostam Dagger
Dmg 36
Def. Dmg 21
Perk Point Blank
Hitting enemies with Throwing Knives from close range deals +10% damage.
Description Throwing knives are deadly at close quarters.

You can get the Rostam Dagger relatively early by completing The Satiric Poet contract once you have contract missions unlocked. This weapon, however, suffers from the Point Blank perk not directly buffing the weapon itself but the damage of your Throwing Knives when thrown at close range.

Further limiting its viability is its relatively low damage, particularly its Defense Damage which means you need to parry more times with this weapon to stun the enemy.

How to Get Rostam Dagger

Hidden One Dagger

Hidden One Dagger
Dmg 21
Def. Dmg 36
Perk Spread
Melee kills of Poisoned enemies create a poison cloud that damages nearby enemies.
Description Poison thickens the air when foes are felled.

The Hidden One Dagger is another niche weapon and only shines if you employ poisoned throwing knives or the blowdart during combat.

The usefulness of this weapon is limited by its Spread perk which only procs when killing an already poisoned enemy. While it can be useful when killing a poisoned Shakiriyya and spreading the poison to its accompanying guards, its outclassed by other daggers with more reliable perks.

How to Get Hidden One Dagger

Demon Fang

Assassin Demon Fang
Dmg 39
Def. Dmg 39
Perk In Flames
Parries set the enemy on fire.
Description Crafted from the burning fang of a fairy demon.

The Demon Fang is a DLC weapon that you can purchase from the Animus Store for $14.99. While the ability to set fire to an enemy you parried is strong, it's only useful against regular guards since armored guards don't have attacks that you can parry.

It does have a small niche when fighting against Shakiriyya which you can parry, but the fire damage you inflict is weaker compared to just attacking with your sword and is generally not worth the price.
How to Get Demon Fang

Jinn Dagger

Assassin Jinn Dagger
Dmg 47
Def. Dmg 50
Perk Amplify
Parrying an enemy under an Affliction increases the Affliction duration by 4 seconds.
Description Infused with the blood of a poisonous spirit.

The Jinn Dagger is a DLC weapon that you can purchase from the Animus Store for $9.99 and is the weakest dagger on our list due to its Amplify perk not direclty increasing your weapon damage. Instead, parrying a weapon only increases the duration of the Affliction by 4 seconds.

Its sole niche is against Shakiriyya who you can counter their healing with an amplified poison but even then, the increased poison damage is inferior to simply dealing more damage against it with regular weapon strikes.

How to Get Jinn Dagger

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