Assassin's Creed Mirage (AC Mirage)

Ukbara Tale of Baghdad Walkthrough and Reward: Treasure Hunt

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AC Mirage Treasure Hunt

Treasure Hunt is the Ukbara Tale of Baghdad in Assassin's Creed Mirage (AC Mirage). Read on for a walkthrough and to learn the rewards and location of Treasure Hunt.

Ukbara Tale of Baghdad Walkthrough

Dive Under to Enter Submerged House

Dive into the water after talking to Tiferet, then swim to the tunnel on the left. This passageway leads to an entrance inside the sunken house.

Don't Break Lusterware to Earn More Money

AC Mirage Ukbara Tale Reward

Inside the house, head to the back and pick up the blue lusterware. You'll need to break the other vases to make way for you to bring the lusterware out afterward (since you can't jump while carrying the lusterware).

Do not break the lusterware. It will drop a Lump Of Copper Ore that you will have to bring to Tiferet, which she will only reward you 50 Dirham for. Deliver the lusterware intact for 100 Dirham.

Unbar the door to return to Tiferet

AC Mirage Ukbara Tale of Baghdad

On the other side of the room, there is a barred door. Put down the lusterware and unbar the door, then just head straight on out to meet up with Tiferet again.

Ukbara Tale of Baghdad Rewards

50 to 100 Dirham

Depending on what you choose to return to Tiferet, Treasure Hunt rewards you with 50 or 100 Dirham, which is money you can spend in-game.

The Tales of Baghdad that reward Dirham are Holy Mission, Blade In The Crowd, Tool In The Shed, and Treasure Hunt, while the other Tales of Baghdad reward Skill Points.

Ukbara Tale of Baghdad Location

Wilderness District

Map View
World View

Treasure Hunt is found at Ukbara in Wilderness. Talk to Tiferet to start the quest.

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