Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

Heroes from Mystery of the Emblem

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This page lists all of the Fire Emblem Heroes characters who were first introduced in the game Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem/New Mystery of the Emblem.

List of Heroes from Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem

Hero Weapon Type Move Type Rarity Rating
Abel ImageAbel Lance ImageLance Cavalry ImageCavalry 7.5/10
Barst ImageBarst Axe ImageAxe Infantry ImageInfantry 7.5/10
Bridal Caeda ImageBridal Caeda Blue Tome ImageBlue Tome Infantry ImageInfantry 7.0/10
Caeda ImageCaeda Sword ImageSword Flying ImageFlying 8.0/10
Cain ImageCain Sword ImageSword Cavalry ImageCavalry 7.5/10
Camus ImageCamus Lance ImageLance Cavalry ImageCavalry 8.0/10
Catria ImageCatria Lance ImageLance Flying ImageFlying 7.5/10
Spring Catria ImageSpring Catria Blue Tome ImageBlue Tome Cavalry ImageCavalry 8.0/10
Draug ImageDraug Sword ImageSword Armored ImageArmored 7.5/10
Est ImageEst Lance ImageLance Flying ImageFlying 8.0/10
Gharnef ImageGharnef Red Tome ImageRed Tome Infantry ImageInfantry 8.5/10
Gordin ImageGordin Colorless bow ImageColorless bow Infantry ImageInfantry 8.0/10
Fallen Hardin ImageFallen Hardin Lance ImageLance Armored ImageArmored 8.0/10
Jagen ImageJagen Lance ImageLance Cavalry ImageCavalry 7.0/10
Jeorge ImageJeorge Colorless bow ImageColorless bow Infantry ImageInfantry 7.0/10
Linde ImageLinde Blue Tome ImageBlue Tome Infantry ImageInfantry 7.5/10
Summer Linde ImageSummer Linde Colorless Dagger ImageColorless Dagger Cavalry ImageCavalry 7.0/10
Maria ImageMaria Staff ImageStaff Infantry ImageInfantry 7.0/10
Groom Marth ImageGroom Marth Axe ImageAxe Cavalry ImageCavalry 7.5/10
Marth ImageMarth Sword ImageSword Infantry ImageInfantry 8.0/10
Legendary Marth ImageLegendary Marth Sword ImageSword Infantry ImageInfantry 9.0/10
Merric ImageMerric Green Tome ImageGreen Tome Infantry ImageInfantry 8.0/10
Michalis ImageMichalis Axe ImageAxe Flying ImageFlying 7.5/10
Minerva ImageMinerva Axe ImageAxe Flying ImageFlying 7.5/10
Navarre ImageNavarre Sword ImageSword Infantry ImageInfantry 8.0/10
Ogma ImageOgma Sword ImageSword Infantry ImageInfantry 7.0/10
Palla ImagePalla Sword ImageSword Flying ImageFlying 7.5/10
Sheena ImageSheena Axe ImageAxe Armored ImageArmored 7.5/10
Summer Tiki (Young) ImageSummer Tiki (Young) Red Breath ImageRed Breath Flying ImageFlying 8.5/10
Legendary Tiki (Young) ImageLegendary Tiki (Young) Blue Breath ImageBlue Breath Armored ImageArmored 9.0/10
Wrys ImageWrys Staff ImageStaff Infantry ImageInfantry 7.0/10
Spring Palla ImageSpring Palla Red Dagger ImageRed Dagger Flying ImageFlying 8.0/10
Fallen Tiki (Young) ImageFallen Tiki (Young) Colorless Breath ImageColorless Breath Armored ImageArmored 9.0/10
Phina ImagePhina Sword ImageSword Infantry ImageInfantry 8.5/10
Sirius ImageSirius Lance ImageLance Cavalry ImageCavalry 8.5/10
Norne ImageNorne Colorless bow ImageColorless bow Infantry ImageInfantry 8.5/10
Nagi ImageNagi Green Breath ImageGreen Breath Armored ImageArmored 9.0/10
Bantu ImageBantu Red Breath ImageRed Breath Infantry ImageInfantry 8.5/10
Astram ImageAstram Sword ImageSword Infantry ImageInfantry 8.5/10
Winter Marth ImageWinter Marth Colorless bow ImageColorless bow Armored ImageArmored 9.0/10
Spring Est ImageSpring Est Blue Tome ImageBlue Tome Flying ImageFlying 9.0/10
Young Marth ImageYoung Marth Sword ImageSword Infantry ImageInfantry 8.5/10
Young Caeda ImageYoung Caeda Sword ImageSword Flying ImageFlying 9.0/10
Young Merric ImageYoung Merric Green Tome ImageGreen Tome Infantry ImageInfantry 9.0/10
Young Palla ImageYoung Palla Lance ImageLance Flying ImageFlying 9.0/10
Young Minerva ImageYoung Minerva Axe ImageAxe Flying ImageFlying 8.5/10
Julian ImageJulian Colorless Dagger ImageColorless Dagger Infantry ImageInfantry 8.5/10
Lena ImageLena Staff ImageStaff Infantry ImageInfantry 7.5/10
Darros ImageDarros Axe ImageAxe Infantry ImageInfantry 7.5/10
Spring Minerva ImageSpring Minerva Lance ImageLance Cavalry ImageCavalry 8.0/10
Roshea ImageRoshea Lance ImageLance Cavalry ImageCavalry 8.5/10
Malice ImageMalice Sword ImageSword Infantry ImageInfantry 9.0/10
Wolf ImageWolf Colorless bow ImageColorless bow Cavalry ImageCavalry 9.0/10
Vyland ImageVyland Axe ImageAxe Cavalry ImageCavalry 8.5/10
Sedgar ImageSedgar Green bow ImageGreen bow Cavalry ImageCavalry 8.5/10
Hatari Xane ImageHatari Xane Staff ImageStaff Infantry ImageInfantry 8.0/10
Legendary Caeda ImageLegendary Caeda Lance ImageLance Flying ImageFlying 9.0/10
Spring Maria ImageSpring Maria Axe ImageAxe Flying ImageFlying 9.0/10
Medeus ImageMedeus Colorless Breath ImageColorless Breath Infantry ImageInfantry 9.0/10
Thief Rickard ImageThief Rickard Sword ImageSword Flying ImageFlying 8.5/10
Halloween Naga ImageHalloween Naga Colorless Breath ImageColorless Breath Flying ImageFlying 8.5/10
Hardin ImageHardin Lance ImageLance Cavalry ImageCavalry 9.0/10
Nyna ImageNyna Staff ImageStaff Infantry ImageInfantry 8.5/10
Ascended Tiki (Young) ImageAscended Tiki (Young) Red Breath ImageRed Breath Infantry ImageInfantry 9.0/10
Elice ImageElice Staff ImageStaff Infantry ImageInfantry 8.0/10
Matthis ImageMatthis Lance ImageLance Cavalry ImageCavalry 8.0/10
Sage Linde ImageSage Linde Red Tome ImageRed Tome Cavalry ImageCavalry 9.0/10
Gotoh ImageGotoh Colorless Tome ImageColorless Tome Infantry ImageInfantry 9.0/10
Spring Michalis ImageSpring Michalis Lance ImageLance Flying ImageFlying 8.5/10
Fallen Maria ImageFallen Maria Staff ImageStaff Infantry ImageInfantry 9.5/10
Wind Tribe Catria ImageWind Tribe Catria Blue bow ImageBlue bow Flying ImageFlying 8.5/10
Attuned Caeda ImageAttuned Caeda Lance ImageLance Infantry ImageInfantry 9.5/10
Yuliya ImageYuliya Staff ImageStaff Infantry ImageInfantry 8.5/10
Arlen ImageArlen Colorless Tome ImageColorless Tome Infantry ImageInfantry 9.0/10
Ascended Merric ImageAscended Merric Green Tome ImageGreen Tome Cavalry ImageCavalry 9.0/10
Castor ImageCastor Red bow ImageRed bow Infantry ImageInfantry 8.0/10
Jehanna Malice ImageJehanna Malice Sword ImageSword Infantry ImageInfantry 9.0/10

List of Heroes from Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem

Hero Weapon Type Move Type Rarity Rating
Athena ImageAthena Sword ImageSword Infantry ImageInfantry 7.5/10
Clarisse ImageClarisse Colorless bow ImageColorless bow Infantry ImageInfantry 8.0/10
Katarina ImageKatarina Red Tome ImageRed Tome Infantry ImageInfantry 7.5/10
Legion ImageLegion Axe ImageAxe Infantry ImageInfantry 7.5/10
Luke ImageLuke Sword ImageSword Cavalry ImageCavalry 7.5/10
Roderick ImageRoderick Lance ImageLance Cavalry ImageCavalry 7.5/10
Kris (M) ImageKris (M) Sword ImageSword Infantry ImageInfantry 9.0/10
Kris (F) ImageKris (F) Lance ImageLance Infantry ImageInfantry 9.0/10
Eremiya ImageEremiya Staff ImageStaff Infantry ImageInfantry 7.5/10
Plegian Katarina ImagePlegian Katarina Blue Tome ImageBlue Tome Flying ImageFlying 8.5/10
Plegian Kris (M) ImagePlegian Kris (M) Axe ImageAxe Cavalry ImageCavalry 8.0/10
Summer Norne ImageSummer Norne Lance ImageLance Infantry ImageInfantry 8.5/10

Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem Introduction

General Information about New Mystery of the Emblem


Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem Information
Title Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
Release Date July 15th, 2010 (JP only)
Platform Nintendo DS
Price ¥4571
Units Sold 270,000

Features of Mystery of the Emblem


Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem is a Japanese-exclusive DS remake of Book 2 from the Super Famicon title Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem.

It is the sequel to the Nintendo DS game Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon.

There are various elements and features that make this game enjoyable even for players who are starting the series with this game.

The story revolves around you, the player, meeting with and departing from various characters over the course of your adventure.

Fallen Allies Do Not Come Back!

Your allies who are killed in battle will not come back to life. The system of how characters are introduced and how they leave story makes it a unique experience for every player who picks this game up.

There is also a Casual Mode, where fallen allies will come back to life after each chapter.

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