Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) Walkthrough Comments

11/3/2022 Update and Player Showcase Bug FixComment

Showing 1-8 of 22 entries


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    22 Josephover 1 yearReport

    I've played this game for a while and I have to admit that despite a few bugs, the game is interesting. If you are looking for a good price for this game, I recommend this post:

    7 FreakLegendover 2 yearsReport

    The UI obviously is horrible I hate that I'll have to relearn after trying to figure this garbled mess.....but overall the games gorgeous and hopefully 800 million in 3 days keeps them motivated to actually attempt fixes maybe a little less then I don't know 50 gigs....jesus

    6 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    they better be doing a complete overhaul of the shitty UI and everything else with this broken ass game for me to have to basically download it twice

    5 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    49GBs… they must be doing more than just a couple big fixes lol

    4 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    Mine is 91.27 gb what's that about. That's more then the base game.

    3 A395over 2 yearsReport

    50gb better be worth it

    2 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    I can’t see the vault upgrade in my store? Is it because I have to disc version???

    1 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    Is weapon tuning back!m? TodYs update is 49gb

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