Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

.50 GS Best Loadout and Attachments

The .50 GS is a type of Handgun weapon in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2). Check here for complete info on the best loadouts and attachments of the .50 GS, as well as its stats and how to use this weapon!

.50 GS Overview and Stats

Weapon Overview

.50 GS

A powerful semi-automatic pistol. Control the recoil and the .50 cal rounds will do the rest.
Basic Info
Platform: SAKIN G Series
Weapon Class: Handgun
Max Level: 27
Magazine Capacity: 7
Reserve Ammo: 14
Fire Modes: TBA
How to Unlock Unlocked at Level 13.

Weapon Stats

Damage Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) - Damage
Fire Rate Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) - Fire Rate
Range Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) - Range
Accuracy Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) - Accuracy
Recoil Control Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) - Recoil Control
Mobility Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) - Mobility
Handling Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) - Handling

.50 GS Best Loadout and Attachments

Best .50 GS Loadout Setup

Weapon Loadout
Primary M4
Secondary .50 GS
Tactical Flash Grenade
Lethal Semtex
Base Perk 1 Battle Hardened
Base Perk 2 Tracker
Bonus Perk Fast Hands
Ultimate Perk Survivor
Field Upgrade Dead Silence

Best .50 GS Attachment Setup

Laser 1MW Pistol Laser
Trigger Action SA Fifty Trigger
Barrel SA Tyrant Fifty
Rear Grip GS. 50 Wood Grain
Ammunition .50 Pistol Overpressured +P

How to Play

The .50 GS deals the highest damage among all pistols but has the weakest handling. This loadout balances it out to retain the handgun's damage while stabilizing it and making it easier to fire repeatedly. It even makes it usable at long-range fights so you can switch to it without worrying about your recoil taking away your aim.

While it's a pistol, the .50 GS has a fairly slow sprint to fire speed, even with the added attachments. Instead of sprinting through areas looking for enemies, start pre-aiming as you enter a room and try for upper body shots since these will almost always be instant kill.

Make sure you have an Assault Rifle to switch to in case you're getting outgunned, the Fast Hands perk will help you out in that situation. The Survivor perk will be particularly useful with this weapon, since the high damage of .50 GS means you can easily take enemies out even when downed.

.50 GS Weapon Progression

Progression Tree: All Unlockables

All Unlockables
Corio RE-X Pro
(Level 4)

NOTE: Newly acquired weapons will have locked attachment slots at Level 1. Category Unlocks are upgrades that unlock these attachment slots for use.

Guns Unlocked by Leveling the .50 GS

All Gun Unlocks
The .50 GS does not unlock any guns.

All Compatible .50 GS Attachments

.50 GS Receivers

This section is under construction.

.50 GS Barrels

SA Longshot-50

.50 GS Magazines

13 Round Mag

.50 GS Stocks

This section is under construction.

.50 GS Rear Grips

EXF Resistance Grip

.50 GS Muzzles

Matuzek Crown

.50 GS Underbarrels

This section is under construction.

.50 GS Ammunition

This section is under construction.

.50 GS Lasers

FJX Diod-70

.50 GS Optics

Corio RE-X Pro

.50 GS Camos & Blueprints

All .50 GS Camos

Camo Challenge Lv. Unlock
Foliage Get 5 double kills with the .50 GS 10
Blades Get 40 kills with the .50 GS 2
8-Bit Static Get 40 kills with the Akimbo attachment equipped on the .50 GS 26
Leopard Get 15 kills while mounted with the .50 GS 18
Gold .50 GS Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the .50 GS N/A

All .50 GS Blueprints

This Weapon currently doesn't have any Blueprints.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) Related Guides

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Weapons by Type

Weapons by Type
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Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) - .50 GS.50 GS Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) - BasiliskBasilisk


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