Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

List of Focus Attacks and Magic Strikes

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This is guide shows a list of all Focus Attacks by Race and a list of all Magic Strikes, in Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Remastered Edition (FFCC). Read on to learn all Races' Focus Attack types, powers, ranges, and weapons, as well as their Magic Strikes!

List of All Focus Attacks by Race

Clavat Race Focus Attacks

Original Game Focus Attacks

These Focus Attacks were all found in the original game for the GameCube, and only these Focus Attacks can be used without crafting Weapons from the Post-Game Dungeons or buying DLC.

Name Type Weapons
Soulshot Leaping Rune Blade
Shadowblade Move Ragnarok
Power Slash Move Treasured Sword
Feather Saber
Copper Sword
Piercing Sweep Charge Ultima Sword
Marr Sword
Iron Sword
Father's Sword
Bastard Sword
Bash Move Steel Blade

Post-Game Dungeon Focus Attacks

Name Type Weapons
Greased Lightning - Vanitas Sword
Assault - Blaze Nova
Acies Fang
Glanzshot - Lunathorn
Sword Crush - Chronicle Sword

DLC Focus Attacks

DLC Focus Attack names have not been confirmed in-game and are translations from the Japanese names.

Name Type Weapons
Mind Shot - Mogcalibur
Attack Sword - Apocalypse

Lilty Race Focus Attacks

Original Game Focus Attacks

These Focus Attacks were all found in the original game for the GameCube, and only these Focus Attacks can be used without crafting Weapons from the Post-Game Dungeons or buying DLC.

Name Type Weapons
Psi Blast Leaping Ultima Lance
Marr Spear
Father's Spear
Pulse Thrust Unstoppable Dragoon's Spear
Dragon Lance
Cyclone Slash Charge Treasured Spear
Titan Lance
Iron Lance
Cross Slash Charge Gungnir
Bladestorm Move Longinus
Avalanche Move Sonic Lance

Post-Game Dungeon Focus Attacks

Name Type Weapons
Spirit Blast - Vanitas Lance
Groundbreaker - Acies Lance
Void Thrust - Laevateinn
Ultimate Cross Slash - Daybreak
Gale Lunge - Chronicle Lance

DLC Focus Attacks

DLC Focus Attack names have not been confirmed in-game and are translations from the Japanese names.

Name Type Weapons
Energy Blast - Mogungnir
Attack Lance - Catastrophy

Yuke Race Focus Attacks

Original Game Focus Attacks

These Focus Attacks were all found in the original game for the GameCube, and only these Focus Attacks can be used without crafting Weapons from the Post-Game Dungeons or buying DLC.

Name Type Weapons
Wave Bomb Move Wave Hammer
Ultima Hammer
Sonic Hammer
Marr Hammer
Father's Hammer
Shock Bomb Move Rune Hammer
Prism Hammer
Mythril Hammer
Power Bomb Move Treasured Hammer
Orc Hammer
Goblin Hammer
Magic Bomb Move Mystic Hammer

Post-Game Dungeon Focus Attacks

Name Type Weapons
Fire Blast - Vanitas Soul
Blizzard Blast - Acies Horn
Firaga Break - Queen Rouge
Thundaga Break - Evil Keraunos
Blizzaga Break - Frost Magia
Thunder Blast - Chronicle Bird

DLC Focus Attacks

DLC Focus Attack names have not been confirmed in-game and are translations from the Japanese names.

Name Type Weapons
Ripple Bomb - Kupo Kupo Hammer
Attack Bomb - Executor

Selkie Race Focus Attacks

Original Game Focus Attacks

These Focus Attacks were all found in the original game for the GameCube, and only these Focus Attacks can be used without crafting Weapons from the Post-Game Dungeons or buying DLC.

Name Type Weapons
Stampede Move Ultima Maul
Steel Cudgel
Solid Racket
Marr Maul
Father's Maul
Power Kick Move Queen's Heel
Butterfly Head
Meteor Blast Unstoppable Dreamcatcher
Dual Blast Leaping Prism Bludgeon
Dual Shooter
Aura Blast Leaping Treasured Maul
Elemental Cudgel
Aura Racket

Post-Game Dungeon Focus Attacks

Name Type Weapons
Rush Attack - Punishment
Hastega Trick - Evergreen
Clearaga Trick - Fairy Tale
Bound Blast - Vanitas Paddle
Rampage - Chronicle Leaf

DLC Focus Attacks

DLC Focus Attack names have not been confirmed in-game and are translations from the Japanese names.

Name Type Weapons
Air Shot - Kupo Kupo Racket
Smash Kick - Acies Blaster

List of All Magic Strikes

Name Combination Power Status Effect
Thunderstrike Thunder and weapon Varies Paralysis
Icestrike Blizzard and weapon Varies Freezing
Flamestrike Fire and weapon Varies Burning

How to Use Magic Strikes

Related Guides

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