Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

Malboro Weaknesses and How to Beat

Learn how to beat the boss Malboro in the game Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Remastered Edition (FFCC). This guide has all the details on Malboro's weaknesses and resistances, attack patterns, and what artifacts it drops.

Normal Hard
Malboro Great Malboro

Malboro Basic Information

Resistance Ratings

Fire Blizzard Thunder Slow
1 2 2 3
Stop Gravity Holy
3 2 0

A lower number (min 0) indicates weakness to an element, while a higher number (max 3) indicates resistance to an element.

Malboro Boss Battle Guide

Stay Close and Keep Attacking

Malboro's attack pattern is rather simple, and doesn't deal so much damage in each hit. It can strike anywhere in the space surrounding itself, so move quickly to avoid its hits while staying close and laying on the damage.

Get rid of the enemies protecting it

The first thing to do is to get rid of the two enemies that will spawn in front of it. Both of them use range-based attacks, so they'll cause trouble when you're attacking Malboro, and will become even more vexing when you've eaten a Slow.

Malboro Attack Phases

Malboro uses Inhale to pull players in close, then strikes with its tentacles repeatedly. Slow is difficult to avoid after Malboro starts casting it, so it's important to move with care after you've been hit by it.

Malboro Abilities and Attack Patterns

When the players are close

Tentacle Strike
Bad Breath
Cursera (inflicts Curse)

When the players are far


Pattern changes from Cycle 2 on

Starting in Cycle 2, it will begin to use Blizzaga after its HP has been decreased. Blizzaga has a huge range, about the same as the diameter of the Crystal Chalice's effect, so use this to estimate how wide of a distance to keep.

If you've been hit by Cursera and then suffer a Blizzaga hit, you'll take enormous damage, so when hit by Slowga or Cursera in the second phase of the fight, it's best to simply stay out of range and wait for its effects to wear off.

Malboro Rewards

Artifacts and Items Dropped

Each Boss drops a set of four Artifacts when defeated. The set of Artifacts dropped depends on the current cycle count, number of players, and the number of Bonus Points earned by the players. At high levels, non-Artifact items like rare Materials and Scrolls can also drop.

Players must earn at least the indicated number of Bonus Points for their given player count and cycle to receive a given Set.

Set 1

Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Items Dropped
1P 0 - - Shuriken
Dragon's Whisker
Earth Pendant
2P 0 - -
3P 0 - -
4P 0 - -

Set 2

Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Items Dropped
1P 108 - - Flametongue
Mage Masher
Silver Spectacles
Moogle Pocket
2P 116 - -
3P 132 - -
4P 145 - -

Set 3

Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Items Dropped
1P 135 0 - Maneater
Sage's Staff
Earth Pendant
2P 145 0 -
3P 155 0 -
4P 181 0 -

Set 4

Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Items Dropped
1P 189 108 - Double Axe
Silver Bracer
Black Hood
Moogle Pocket
2P 192 116 -
3P 203 132 -
4P 227 145 -

Set 5

Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Items Dropped
1P - 135 0 Sasuke's Blade
Cat's Bell
Wonder Bangle
Ancient Potion
2P - 145 0
3P - 155 0
4P - 181 0

Set 6

Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Items Dropped
1P - 189 108 Green Beret
Mage's Staff
Wonder Bangle
2P - 192 116
3P - 203 132
4P - 227 145

Set 7

Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Items Dropped
1P - - 135 Silver Bracer
Moogle Pocket
Diamond Armor
2P - - 145
3P - - 155
4P - - 181

Set 8

Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Items Dropped
1P - - 189 Ashura
Cat's Bell
Earth Pendant
Malboro Seed
2P - - 192
3P - - 203
4P - - 227

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