Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

Multiplayer Guide | How to Play Multiplayer


This is a guide about all the Multiplayer Features in Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Remastered Edition (FFCC). Read on to learn all features included in FFCC's multiplayer mode, including Online Play, Local Play, Playing with Lite Version, and how multiplayer works in general.

Guide to Online Multiplayer

Crystal Chronicles is a game that heavily pushes multiplayer into it's gameplay feature. We will discuss below, all the features of Multiplayer (that is currently known).

Online Play

Crystal Chronicles has a shiny new feature that was not possible for the original Gamecube version – Online Play. No need to set up those link cables; sit tight, connect to your internet, and play the game with friends anytime you want!

Requires an Online Subscription (PS and Switch Only)

For the players of Switch and Playstation, you will need to have an online account for your respective consoles to play Crystal Chronicles' online mode.

How to Play Online

Lite Version's Multiplayer

multiplayer ffcc
The Lite Version will have limited access to dungeons on its own. When playing with a Lite Version, you can still enjoy the other versions by playing with at least one player that has the full game! You can also carry over your progress if you purchase the game after trying out the demo so don't let that stop you from trying out the Lite version!

Lite Version Online Multiplayer

Cross Play is Possible!

Official Screenshot 8.jpg

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles is accessible to 4 platforms – Playstation, Nintendo Switch, Android, and iOS. But there is no barrier preventing players from these 4 platforms to play together!

Cross saves (cross-platform save files) have been confirmed as well, allowing players to switch between different consoles if they own the game on each, or start the Lite version on one platform and switch to another for the full version!

How to Play Cross Platform and Cross Save

Online Matching is Region Locked

It's been confirmed that online play will be limited to matching between players of the same region. It may be possible to play online with friends from other regions through a non-matching option, though this has not been confirmed.

Is Local Multiplayer Possible

As stated from the official trailers, the remastered version of Crystal Chronicles will not be compatible with offline multiplayer.
It is necessary to choose whether to play online or offline and due to this constraint, we have limited the multiplayer functionality to online multiplayer. This will also allow more players to play via multiplayer.

Unfortunately, local multiplayer has been completely removed from the game (sorry, Gamecube fans). There have been, however, several changes that will be welcome for new and old players alike! Check our guide below to know more about Square's decision on the removal of one of the game's most prominent features!

Is Local Multiplayer Available?

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