Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

List of All Magic Spells | How to Cast All Spells

FFCC Magics
This page contains a list of All Magic Spells in Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Remastered Edition (FFCC). Read on to learn all Magic Spell names, powers, effect area sizes, timing, types, and whether they are for single player or multiplayer use only!

How to Cast and Fuse Spells

Thundaga Cast.png

In Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, players must collect an item known as Magicite to cast spells.

In single-player mode, players can fuse spells from the menu to cast more powerful spells. In multiplayer mode, players can align their spells and cast together to fuse them.

How to Fuse Spells

List of All Magic Spells

Magic Category Directory
Fire Blizzard Thunder
Cure Clear Raise
Gravity Holy Haste
Slow Stop -

Click on the link to immediately jump to that spell section.

Fire Spells

All Fire Spells

Spell Power Single
Range Timer Type
Fire 30 Yes Small -
Fira 15 x3 Yes Medium Type A
Fira+1 15 x4 No Medium Type A
Fira+2 15 x 5 No Medium Type D
Firaga 60 Yes Large Type D
Firaga+1 90 No Large Type D
Firaga+2 120 No Large Type D

Fire spells damage the enemy. Fire spells can set enemies ablaze. Enemies that are set ablaze suffer from reduced armor but have their speed increased.

How to Cast Fire

Result Input 1 Input 2 Input 3/4
Fire Fire - -
Fira Fire Fire -
Firaga* Fire Fire Fire
Fira +1 Fire x3 (Timing A)
Firaga +1 Fire x3 (Timing D)
Fira +2 Fire x4 (Timing A)
Firaga +2 Fire x4 (Timing D)

Fire Magicite can be equipped to cast Fire. Multiple Fire Magicites can be combined to use higher levels of Fire magic.

*In Multiplayer mode, Firaga can be cast with only two Fire. Either Fira or Firaga is cast depending on the Spell Timing.

How to Use Fire

Blizzard Spells

All Blizzard Spells

Spell Power Single
Range Timer Type
Blizzard 30 Yes Small -
Blizzara 15 x3 Yes Medium Type A
Blizzara+1 15 x4 No Medium Type A
Blizzara+2 15 x5 No Medium Type A
Blizzaga 60 Yes Large Type D
Blizzaga+1 90 No Large Type D
Blizzaga+2 120 No Large Type D

Damages the enemy and has a chance to freeze enemies. You can deal double damage when attacking frozen enemies.

How to Cast Blizzard

Result Input 1 Input 2 Input 3/4
Blizzard Blizzard - -
Blizzara Blizzard Blizzard -
Blizzaga* Blizzard Blizzard Blizzard
Blizzara +1 Blizzard x3 (Timing A)
Blizzaga +1 Blizzard x3 (Timing D)
Blizzara +2 Blizzard x4 (Timing A)
Blizzaga +2 Blizzard x4 (Timing D)

Blizzard Magicite can be equipped to cast Blizzard. Multiple Blizzard Magicites can be combined to use higher levels of Blizzard magic.

*In Multiplayer mode, Blizzaga can be cast with only two Blizzard. Either Blizzara or Blizzaga is cast depending on the Spell Timing.

How to Use Blizzard

Thunder Spells

All Thunder Spells

Spell Power Single
Range Timer Type
Thunder 30 Yes Small -
Thundara 15 x3 Yes Medium Type A
Thundara+1 15 x4 No Medium Type A
Thundara+2 15 x5 No Medium Type A
Thundaga 60 Yes Large Type D
Thundaga+1 90 No Large Type D
Thundaga+2 120 No Large Type D

Damages the enemy and paralyzes them.

How to Cast Thunder

Result Input 1 Input 2 Input 3/4
Thunder Thunder - -
Thundara Thunder Thunder -
Thundaga* Thunder Thunder Thunder
Thundara +1 Thunder x3 (Timing A)
Thundaga +1 Thunder x3 (Timing D)
Thundara +2 Thunder x4 (Timing A)
Thundaga +2 Thunder x4 (Timing D)

Thunder Magicite can be equipped to cast Thunder. Multiple Thunder Magicites can be combined to use higher levels of Thunder magic.

*In Multiplayer mode, Thundaga can be cast with only two Thunder. Either Thundara or Thundaga is cast depending on the Spell Timing.

How to Use Thunder

Cure Spells

All Cure Spells

Spell Single Player Area Range Timer Type
Cure Yes Small -
Curaga No Large Type A

Heals all allied characters within the spell's range.

How to Cast Cure

Result Input 1 Input 2 Input 3/4
Cure Cure - -
Curaga Cure Cure -

Cure Magicite can be equipped to cast Cure. In multiplayer mode, two Cure Magicites can be combined to use Curaga.
How to Use Cure

Clear Spells

All Clear Spells

Spell Single Player Area Range Timer Type
Clear Yes Small -
Clearaga No Large Type A

Removes status effects from its target. This includes both negative and positive effects.

Clearga Trick

Another unique way to cast Clear is by using one of the Selkie's ultimate weapons Fairy Tale. It's focus attack allows Selkies to use Clearga without any spell fusion or magicite.

Fairy Tale

How to Cast Clear

Result Input 1 Input 2 Input 3/4
Clear Clear - -
Clearaga Clear Clear -

Clear Magicite can be equipped to cast Clear. In multiplayer mode, two Clear Magicites can be combined to use Clearaga.

How to Use Clear

Raise Spells

All Raise Spells

Spell Single Player Area Range Timer Type
Raise Yes Small -
Arise No Small Type E

Brings a downed ally back to life. Raise restores 4 hearts while a Arise restores all hearts.

How to Cast Raise

Result Input 1 Input 2 Input 3/4
Raise Raise - -
Arise Raise Raise -

Raise Magicite can be equipped to cast Raise. In multiplayer mode, two Raise Magicites can be combined to use Arise.

How to Use Raise

Gravity Spells

All Gravity Spells

Spell Power Single
Range Timer Type
Gravity Varies Yes Small Type A
Gravira Varies No Medium Type C
Graviga Varies No Large Type A

Forces a flying target to the ground. It can also deal fractional damage to its targets.

How to Cast Gravity

Result Input 1 Input 2 Input 3/4
Gravity Any element Any other element -
Gravira All three elements (Timing C)
Graviga All three elements (Timing A)

Two elemental Magicite of differing elements can be fused to cast Gravity. In multiplayer mode, all three elemental Magicite can be fused to cast Gravira or Graviga, depending on the timing type used.

How to Use Gravity

Holy Spells

All Holy Spells

Spell Power Single
Range Timer Type
Holy 30 Yes Small Type A
Holyra 25 x3 No Middle Type C
Holyra+1 25 x4 No Middle Type C

Damages and gives ghost type enemies solid form, allowing them to be attacked.

How to Cast Holy

Result Input 1 Input 2 Input 3/4
Holy Any element Raise -
Holyra Any element Raise Raise
Holyra +1 Any element Raise x3

Confusingly, Holy has the same ingredient Magicite as Slow, but in the opposite order. Use an elemental Magicite first, then Raise second to cast Holy. In multiplayer mode, additional Raise Magicite can be added to increase its power.

How to Use Holy

Haste Spells

All Haste Spells

Spell Single Player Area Range Timer Type
Haste Yes Small Type B
Hastega No Large Type B

Increases movement speed by 1.5 and halves the time needed for charging spells and focus attacks.

How to Cast Haste

Result Input 1 Input 2 Input 3/4
Haste Raise Cure Cure
Hastega Raise Cure x3

A Raise Magicite can be combined with two Cure Magicites in that order to make Haste. In multiplayer mode, an additional Cure Magicite can be added to create Hastega.
How to Use Haste

Hastega Trick

A haste ability is also unique to the Selkie's ultimate weapon Evergreen. If you've been seeing an ally that keeps on using Haste on your party, that is due to their weapon's focus attack.


Slow Spells

All Slow Spells

Spell Single Player Area Range Timer Type
Slow Yes Small Type B
Slowga No Large Type B

Decreases the target's speed and movement.

How to Cast Slow

Result Input 1 Input 2 Input 3/4
Slow Raise Any element -
Slowga Raise Any element Any other element

Slow has the same ingredient Magicite as Holy, but in the opposite order. Use an Raise first, then an elemental Magicite second to cast Slow. In multiplayer mode, one more different element can be added to cast Slowga. Slowga has the same combination as Stop, but with a different Timer Type.

How to Use Slow

Stop Spell

All Stop Spells

Spell Single Player Area Range Timer Type
Stop Yes Small Type E

Freezes a monster in its tracks.

How to Cast Stop

Result Input 1 Input 2 Input 3/4
Stop Raise Any element Any other element

Stop has the same combination as Slowga, but with a different Timer Type. In single-player mode, Slowga can't be used, so the combination will only yield Stop.
How to Use Stop

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3 Anonymousover 4 years

How do people in multiplayer cast haste on their own without combining magic?

2 Packdemonover 4 years

edit: Some of the spell damage calculation on this page is wrong. On single player, damage calculation of fira, thundara, and bilzzara is actually 90 in the center of the vortex and 30 on the edges. The edges can swirl and hit for a total 2 times, so it can either be 30 or 30×2. So fira, thundara, and *blizzara* can actually be more powerful than firaga, thundaga, and blizzaga. The caveat being that firaga, thundaga, and blizzaga have wider AoE and are a consistent 60 damage throughout.


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