Saints Row (2022)

Notorious Challenge: How to Complete and Rewards

This is a guide for Notorious, a challenge in 2022 reboot of Saints Row (Saints Row 5). Read on to learn what the objectives of the challenge are, tips on how to complete the challenge, and the rewards you get for completing the challenge.

Notorious Overview

Notorious Challenge Objectives

Bullet Icon Survive 180 consecutive seconds of max Idols notoriety
Bullet Icon Survive 180 consecutive seconds of max Panteros notoriety
Bullet Icon Survive 180 consecutive seconds of max Marshall notoriety

Notorious Rewards

Total Rewards
1125 XP

How to Complete Notorious Objectives

Prepare to Dodge

With numerous enemies coming at you from all angles., you'll need to keep yourself safe by dodging bullets and finding ways to get cover. This can be by physically dodging away from bullets or by using the environment to create natural shields against enemies!

Just be sure to avoid things that will block you from running away!

Collect Bullets

As you're taking down enemies, one of the worst mistakes you can make is not collecting bullets as you go. With numerous enemies, you'll need to keep a good stock of ammo to keep going!

If you're using guns like the .585 Safari Express Rifle which only hold 24 bullets max, this becomes extremely important as every bullet counts!

Use Takedowns to Heal Up

Every takedown not only does an instant KO of an enemy, but also heals you! Every enemy you take down afterwards fills the gauge by about 15%.. You could utilize a takedown after every 6 enemies or so if you take them down in quick succession.

This means that if you're using long range weapons on a group, taking the ones from the back first, by the time the front group arrives at your position, you will have reloaded ob your takedown gauge!

Use Skills & Perks

In addition to gun play and use of terrain, one way to increase your chances of survival is by using Skills and Perks! What you have access to will depend on your level, so be sure to check what you have!

Recommended Skills

Lv Skill Description
2 Pineapple ExpressPineapple Express Grab an enemy, drop a grenade down their pants, and throw them.
11 TransfusionTransfusion While active, heal yourself and your friends by hurting your enemies.
13 Impulse TrapImpulse Trap Throw an anti-gravity device that lifts enemies into the air, making them vulnerable to a quick shot.
19 D4th BlossomD4th Blossom Spin around and fire bullets in every direction.

Pineapple Express is a great starting skill and one of the most useful ones when dealing with enemies! Not only can you take one enemy out of battle, but also potentially deal damage to a group!

Transfusion supplements your healing from takedowns and relies on the damage you deal to enemies! When you're trying to gain Notoriety and stay alive, this is definitely a must have skill.

Impulse Trap doesn't deal damage, but it can buy you time. By sending your enemies up in the air, you not only have them in a vulnerable position, but also gain precious seconds that can be used for other things!

D4th Blossom is best for when you're surrounded as it allows you to deal damage to multiple enemies within your vicinity, all while looking pretty darn cool!

Best Skills and Loadouts

Recommended Perks

Perk Description Unlock Condition
ScavengerScavenger You collect more rounds when you pick up an ammo box. Complete 7 Challenges in total.
Shock TacticsShock Tactics Taze enemies who hit you with a melee attack. This perk has a cooldown. Complete 12 Challenges in total.
Saving ThrowSaving Throw Gain 2 health bars when your health is depeleted. This perk has a cooldown. Complete 17 Challenges in total.
Lust for LifeLust for Life Your health starts regenerating as soon as you kill an enemy. Complete 28 Challenges in total.
Eagle EyeEagle Eye You reduce the cooldown of your takedown when you get a headshot. Complete 36 Challenges in total.
RampageRampage You do more damage when your flow meter is full. Complete 40 Challenges in total.
BreakfallBreakfall You don't take damage from falling. Complete 46 Challenges in total.

When it comes to picking Perks, lean towards those that allow you to deal extra damage. collect more, or stay alive longer! These 3 things are the most important when it comes to completing this challenge and surviving max Notoriety with all factions!

Best Perks

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