Saints Row (2022)

Snickerdoodle: Profile and Backstory

Saints Row - Snickerdoodle

Snickerdoodle is a main character in the 2022 reboot of Saints Row (Saints Row 5), and is a member of The Saints. Read on to know more about Snickerdoodle, her character profile, and backstory.

Snickerdoodle's Character Profile


Saints Row - Snickerdoodle Name: Snickerdoodle
Role: The Cat
Goal: To con humans into providing food and shelter (Goal achieved.)
Faction: The Saints
EN Voice Actor: Izzy
Snickerdoodle is a cat and acts as the beloved pet and unofficial mascot of the Saints. Formerly a stray cat, she was eventually adopted by the Saints after hovering near their apartment for a while. Her name comes from the snickerdoodle cookies which Kevin baked during her first overnight stay with the Saints.

Snickerdoodle Voice Actress Interview

Snickerdoodle's Backstory

Saints Row - Snickerdoodle

Born a Street Cat

Snickerdoodle was born under a trailer in one of the poorer parts of Santo Ileso, to a technically-feral mother who had worked out that proximity to humans resulted in better health for kittens. Snickerdoodle’s mother was never domesticated, but Snickerdoodle and her siblings grew up being handled by and accepting food from humans.

Taking Control of the Streets

Abandoned when the owners of the trailer relocated, Snickerdoodle spent her young adulthood on the streets of Santo Ileso, dining on rodents, birds, and handouts from humans. Too savvy to venture outside the city limits, where coyotes posed a genuine danger, she set about making the city streets her own, systematically defeating leader after leader of the various feral cat colonies until no feline denizen of Santo Ileso would challenge her.

Taken in by The Saints

Having proven herself and Become Her Own Boss Cat, Snickerdoodle decided to retire and live in luxury as a human pet. She systematically evaluated human marks until settling on the human Kevin as the most reliable provider of food (indeed, after the second week, she no longer even needed to meow plaintively outside the building; Kevin already had food put aside “for that stray I see all the time.”)

When the human Neenah began a campaign to convince Snickerdoodle to live inside, Snickerdoodle allowed it to work. The first night she spent at the apartment, the human Kevin was baking Snickerdoodle cookies. Snickerdoodle meowed acceptance of this name to prevent them choosing a worse one.

Snickerdoodle is now living her best life: with food reliably provided by humans, she only hunts for fun, leaving uneaten rodents and birds for her humans as an expression of gratitude. Occasionally she vanquishes an upstart feral cat, also for the fun of it. These hobbies keep her skills (and claws) sharp for those occasions when true warfare is necessary – usually against those who try to hurt her humans.

A True Family

If asked, Snickerdoodle would say that her protectiveness of her four humans is rooted in practical reasons; it would be inconvenient to have to con new ones, and maybe none of them would cook chicken livers for her like Kev does. In her heart, however, Snickerdoodle knows it’s more than that. These are particularly good humans, who care about each other and her. They’d never move out and abandon her to fend for herself. She is therefore loyal to them in turn. You can be a murder machine primarily looking out for number one and still be true to your friends. In a way, that’s what being a cat a Saint a cat Saint is all about.

Trivia About Snickerdoodle


These are actual trivia notes straight from the Official Site.

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