Saints Row (2022)

Game Length: How Long is the Main Story?

Saints Row - How Long is the Main Story
With a large number of activities, players can do in the Saints Row reboot (Saints Row 5), it's easy to find yourself spending several hours trying to accomplish everything in the game. Learn how many hours it takes to beat the game, including the length of the Main Story, Side Quests, and more!

Game Length by Run
Run Length
Main Story ~20 Hours
Regular Playthrough ~25-30 Hours
All Side Activities ~-32-35 Hours
Platinum Run ~40 Hours
Completionist Run ~45-50 Hours

How Long is the Main Story?

Main Story Length: ~20 Hours

Main Story
Completing the Main Story can take up to ~20 Hours of regular gameplay on the Hustler (Normal) difficulty. On average, it takes a little less than 25 minutes to accomplish each of the 35 Main Missions in-game, which by itself is around 15 Hours long.

However, this game length can be increased by 5 more hours due to the smattering of side content, particularly Ventures, that you'll need to both build and complete to unlock some of the Main Missions that require a certain number of Ventures to be built and completed.

Overall Game Length

Regular Playthrough Can Take Up to ~25-30 Hours

Regular Playthrough
A "regular" playthrough of Saints Row would consist of a completed run of the Main Story and a few completed Side Activities as well as other non-mission activities you can do around Santo Ileso. This is a run that takes in all that Saints Row has to offer without going explicitly deep into crossing out every single possible activity that can be found on the map.

Completing Side Activities Adds ~12-15 Hours

Side Activities
Side Activities can be classified as "Missions" that players can partake in to help level up their character, earn them money, or even complete requirements for the Main Story. These include Side Hustles, Ventures, and Wanted Missions.

Completing all of these can tack on ~15 Hours of gameplay on top of the initial 20 Hours you'd need to finish the Main Story.

Platinum Run Can Take ~40 Hours Long

Platinum Trophy

A Platinum Run – not to be confused with a Completionist Run – mostly consists of just collecting all the needed trophies in-game. The Trophies/Achievements themselves are relatively simple, with plenty of them attainable through regular play with only a fair few requiring your special attention.

While it wouldn't take as long as a Completionist Run, going after the Platinum Trophy can still be a lengthy task, requiring at the very least ~40 Hours with things like in-game travel times affecting this estimate.

All PS4 & PS5 Trophies and Achievements

Completionist Run is ~45-50 Hours Long

Completionist Run
All in all, Completionist Runs of the game can take up to 50 Hours of gameplay – with 20 Hours for the Main Story included – to complete everything there is to complete in Saints Row. These include the non-mission activities like Threats, Discoveries, Collectibles, Challenges, and even completing the inventory for both Weapons and Vehicles, including their Signature Abilities.

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1 Anonymousabout 2 years

the main story is 4 hours long not 20 hours most gameplay mechanics are locked behind progression and time meaning for the player to get access to lets say the costume store etc would take in the upper echelon of 90 hours + i wanted to love this game but it has failed at what a saints row game should have been


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