Saints Row (2022)

Neenah: Profile and Backstory

Saints Row - Neenah

Neenah is a main character in the 2022 reboot of Saints Row (Saints Row 5), and is a member of The Saints. Read on to know more about Neenah, her character profile, and backstory.

Neenah's Character Profile


Saints Row - Neenah Name: Neenah
Role: The Driver
Goal: To earn the money and respect she needs to live her dreams
Faction: The Saints
EN Voice Actor: Jeannie Tirado
Neenah is the Saints' mechanic and getaway driver. She was a long-time Los Panteros member, joining the Saints after getting fed up with the controlling behavior of their leader, Sergio Velez. Having plenty of expertise in fixing engines and driving contraband through the city, Neenah always has the Saints' backs when it comes to vehicles and getting out of sticky situations.

Neenah's Introduction Video

Neenah's Backstory

Saints Row - Neenah

An Art Lover in a Family of Mechanics

After Neenah's mom died when she was 15 (cancer), she was raised by her father. Both her parents were mechanics. Neenah loved cars and always expected to follow in their footsteps, but they wanted her to go to college in the US. Her father wanted her to study engineering; her mother wanted her to follow her heart and study art. Neenah followed her departed mother’s advice.

Trouble Finding a Job that Pays

After getting a degree in anthropology and art history, Neenah applied for every entry level museum job she could find. There were none. Paid internships were filled by nepotism. She ended up with an unpaid internship at the Museum of Santo Ileso but quit after a month because working without getting paid is bullshit.

Fell in With the Panteros

Refusing to go home and give up on her dream, Neenah got a job as a mechanic to pay bills, where she fell in with the Panteros. As her relationship with the Panteros sours, Neenah cuts ties with them to join her roommates in their criminal venture. With them, she will not only get a bigger cut of the money—she’ll also get the respect she deserves. And with enough money and respect, Neenah will be free to finally follow her heart.

Neenah Missions

All Neenah Missions
Neenah's Car The Forge
Art Appreciation -

Neenah has a total of three direct missions that she requests from Boss throughout the game. These missions progress Neenah's story in Santo Ileso as well as provide him with upgrades that increase his effectiveness in combat.

Neenah Outfits

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Outfit How to Unlock

Unlocked by Default

Dustlander Costume
Unto the Breach

Take Me to Church

Corporate Retreat
Corporate Retreat

Character Upgrades

Upgrade Effect Mission to Unlock
Friend Combat Boost Neenah's combat strength and health are increased. The Forge
Friend Weapon Upgrade Neenah now uses a Shotgun. Art Appreciation

There are two Character Upgrades that are available for Neenah. These are unlocked by playing through the Neenah-centric Missions, and are gained as rewards at the end of each.

Trivia About Neenah

・Interests: art, cars, history, Santo Ileso local lore, Ranchera music, tacos, PBS.
・Frequently sketches to figure out ideas, whether it's solving a mechanical problem or designing a new paint scheme for her car.
・She's especially focused on Meso-American art and culture.
・The love of her life is the car she rebuilt from the ground up.

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