Saints Row (2022)

This Party's Over Challenge: How to Complete and Rewards

This is a guide for This Party's Over, a challenge in 2022 reboot of Saints Row (Saints Row 5). Read on to learn what the objectives of the challenge are, tips on how to complete the challenge, and the rewards you get for completing the challenge.

This Party's Over Overview

This Party's Over Challenge Objectives

Bullet Icon Kill 50 Idols
Bullet Icon Double kill 15 Idols
Bullet Icon Kill 15 Idol Specialists

This Party's Over Rewards

Total Rewards
1125 XP

How to Complete This Party's Over Objectives

Farm the Idols

With Idols Territory surrounding Saints HQ, encountering Idols won't be too difficult. There are a few areas that are close to Saints HQ with Old Town West being the nearest.

Idols Territory
Monte Vista Marina West Marina East
Old Town Shoreline Old Town West Old Town East

To complete this objective, start a fight with any Idol you see and let them call for backup. Idols should start appearing in waves and this should be the perfect opportunity to start stacking up your kills to 50

Interactive Map: List of All Locations and Activities

Time Your Last Hits

This can be completed along with the previous objective just above. To get a double kill, inflict enough damage to 2 Idols to get their HP low. When their HP gets low enough, kill both of them in quick succession. Wait a few seconds before killing another pair of Idols and repeat until the objective is complete.

Lv Skill Description
6 Tough MotherTough Mother Gain a temporary health boost to absorb damage from enemies and negate staggers.
11 TransfusionTransfusion While active, heal yourself and your friends by hurting your enemies.

There's a chance of receiving tons of damage since you will need to wait between kills and takedowns may be insufficient to keep you alive. Tough Mother and Transfusion are handy skills to equip since they help keep you from certain death.

List of Skills

Go Idol Specialist Hunting

While there are Idol Specialists you can encounter by looking for trouble around Santo Ileso, a guaranteed way is through calling the Idols out from your Contacts app. This feature is available once the KAKTS Radio Venture is setup.

KAKTS Radio Criminal Venture Locations and Missions Guide

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