Saints Row (2022)

JR (Jim Rob): Profile and Backstory

Saints Row - JR (Jim Rob)
JR, or Jim Rob, is a side character in the 2022 reboot of Saints Row (Saints Row 5), being the owner of the JimRob's Garage Criminal Venture. Read on to know more about JR, their character profile, and their backstory.

JR's Character Profile


Saints Row - JR Name: JR
Role: Owner of JimRob's Garage
Faction: The Saints
EN Voice Actor: Chris Fries
JR, or Jim Rob, is the owner of JimRob's Garage. He was a former rank and file soldier for Marshall Defense Industries, retiring early after experiencing a particularly out-of-control operation with the Boss. JR built up JimRob's Garage after retirement and joined the Saints shortly afterward as part of their Criminal Ventures.

JR's Backstory

Former Marshall Soldier

Saints Row - Former Marshall Soldier
JR, or Jim Rob, formerly worked for Marshall Defense Industries as one of their soldiers on the field. He considered himself a maverick, defying orders during operations to mix things up. JR retired from the private military company after a wild and out-of-control mission involving following a Los Panteros convoy with the Boss.

Owner of JimRob's Garage

Saints Row - Owner of JimRob

Currently, JR runs and owns JimRob's Garage, a vehicle maintenance and repair station he built after retirement. In the game, this place is an unlockable Criminal Venture where JR sends you on missions to steal vehicles for personal gain.

JimRob's Garage Criminal Venture Locations and Missions Guide

Story Role

Worked With the Boss in Marshall

Saints Row - Worked With the Boss in Marshall
JR makes his first appearance during a Marshall mission involving tailing a Los Panteros convoy to see where it leads them. In this mission, he acts as the Boss's driver, maneuvering the car through Los Panteros forces while the former takes out the gang members attacking them.

During the insane escapades of the mission, JR would feel his life flash before his eyes. He immediately applies for early retirement after the mission ends.

Observe and Report Walkthrough and Rewards

Built JimRob's After Retiring

Saints Row - Built JimRob
After retiring from Marshall Defense Industries, JR gathered his life savings and retirement bonus to buy an empty lot and open up JimRob's Garage. However, before he could start opening up shop, the Idols would steal his shipment of car parts.

JR calls the Boss for assistance in retrieving the stolen parts, and they successfully return them to his garage. Shortly afterward, JimRob's Garage opens for business in Santo Ileso.

A Piece of the Action Walkthrough and Rewards

Joined Up With the Saints

Saints Row - Joined Up With the Saints
When the Saints began building up their network of Criminal Ventures, the first business they connected with was JimRob's Garage. JR was eager to join the Saints, but he was currently dealing with Los Panteros getting in the way of the garage's profits.

The Boss decides to help JR out, clearing out the Los Panteros and their surplus of smuggled car parts. With his problems taken care of, JR and JimRob's Garage formally join the Saints' Criminal Ventures.

Networking Walkthrough and Rewards

Saints Row Related Guides

Saints Row - Characters

List of All Characters

All Saints Row (2022) Characters

The Saints
BossBoss KevinKevin EliEli
NeenahNeenah SnickerdoodleSnickerdoodle -
Faction Leaders
Atticus MarshallAtticus Marshall The CollectiveThe Collective Sergio VelezSergio Velez
The NahualliThe Nahualli - -
Other Characters
Myra StarrMyra Starr GwenGwen Sgt. VicarioSgt. Vicario
Amanda RollinsAmanda Rollins JR (Jim Rob)JR (Jim Rob) Edith HuntEdith Hunt
Spike RooseveltSpike Roosevelt Lore MasterLore Master Tamira BowensTamira Bowens
Chloe MorrisChloe Morris JackJack Joannie UtahJoannie Utah
WinstonWinston The SenseiThe Sensei Vivian HuangVivian Huang
ChuyChuy Jersey DanJersey Dan Dust KingThe Dust King
SylviaSylvia Doc KetchumDoc Ketchum Antonio EspinaAntonio Espina
BarbBarb HawkHawk The AssociateThe Associate
EmilioEmilio Chalupa JimmyChalupa Jimmy Chalupa LouChalupa Lou
Chalupa PatChalupa Pat Chalupa TerryChalupa Terry -


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