Saints Row (2022)

Kevin: Profile and Backstory

Saints Row - Kevin

Kevin is a main character in the 2022 reboot of Saints Row (Saints Row 5), and is a member of The Saints. Read on to know more about Kevin, his character profile, and backstory.

Kevin's Character Profile


Saints Row - Kevin Name: Kevin
Role: The Guy With the Contacts
Goal: To take care of his friends and his crew
Faction: The Saints
EN Voice Actor: Greg Chun
Kevin is a free-spirited party-loving DJ who acts as the Saints' fixer. Formerly from the Idols, he decided to stay with the Saints after realizing they were the family he never had. With Kevin's connections running deep through Santo Ileso, he'll always have intel and opportunities to make plenty of cash lined up for the Saints.

Kevin's Introduction Video

Kevin's Backstory

Saints Row - Kevin

Looking for a Family

Kevin never knew his real parents, bouncing from foster home to foster home. As a child he was desperate to be adopted and so developed a people pleasing complex, hence his love of cooking and being a DJ. He defines his worth in how happy he makes other people. He never found a family as a kid, but now that he’s an adult he’s finally found solace in building one with his friends.

Fomer Idols Member

He joined the Idols early in his DJ days. They were an underground thing then, slowly infiltrating the party scene. He joined because it was a place to belong. He felt seen and heard—and having grown up in the foster care system, he found their ideology appealing (plus smashing shit up can make for a good time). He genuinely believes that the Idols want to make things better for people.

Forced to Make a Difficult Decision

Kevin has recently arrived back in Santo Ileso with the Idols. Although loyal to them, he is not unaware that most Idols live on communes while the Collective live on a fancy yacht. Kev instead chooses to live in a low-rent apartment with his friends. It is only when the Idols force him to choose between them and his friends that he realizes where his true loyalty—and family—really lies.

Kevin Missions

All Kevin Missions
Office Decor Idol Threat
The Fast and the Foodiest Idol Hands

Kevin has four direct requests to Boss that culminate in specific Main Missions for him. These missions progress Kevin's story in Santo Ileso as well as provide him with upgrades that increase his effectiveness in combat.

Story Walkthrough: List of All Main Missions

Kevin Outfits

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Outfit How to Unlock

Unlocked by Default

Be Your Own Boss

Dustlander Costume
Unto the Breach

Take Me to Church

Corporate Retreat
Corporate Retreat

Character Upgrades

Upgrade Effect Mission to Unlock
Friend Combat Boost Kevin's combat strength and health are increased. Idol Threat
Friend Weapon Upgrade Kev now uses an SMG. The Fast and the Foodiest

Kevin has two total Character Upgrades that bolster his capabilities in combat. These are unlocked by playing through the Kevin-centric Missions, and are gained as rewards at the end of each.

Trivia About Kevin

・Interests: thrill-seeking, partying, music, cooking.
・Always thinking about his friends. People pleaser and caretaker. The guy who makes sure everyone stays hydrated on a bar crawl.
・Pansexual and polyamorous (or, as he’d say it, he’s attracted to people’s hearts)
・A health and fitness freak. He’s constantly working out and taking care of his body. Refuses to wear a shirt.
・Knows people in all kinds of odd places; they are usually referred to by various nicknames: “Pizza Dave”, “Minnie from Accounting”, “Other Bob”, etc.
・Wants to be a part of everything. Suffers from FOMO—both in activities and social interactions.

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