Saints Row (2022)

The Associate: Profile and Background

Saints Row - The Associate
The Associate is a side character in the 2022 reboot of Saints Row (Saints Row 5), being the Boss's contact for the Wingsuit Saboteur Side Hustle. Read on to know more about the Associate, their character profile, and their backstory.

The Associate's Character Profile


Saints Row - The Associate Name: The Associate
Role: Wingsuit Saboteur Contact
Faction: Unknown
The Associate is the Boss's contact for the Wingsuit Saboteur Side Hustle. Nameless and with a vague history with the Boss, the Associate is currently a consultant for a large client in the telecommunication sector. He sends the Boss on missions to eliminate competition by destroying their receiver dishes with satchel charges.

Story Role

Wingsuit Saboteur Contact

Saints Row - The Associate Wingsuit Saboteur Contact

The Associate has no direct role in Saints Row's Main Story but is instead the Boss's contact for the Wingsuit Saboteur Side Hustle. He sends them out to wingsuit down toward rival telecommunication companies' receiver dishes and to destroy them using C4 Satchel Charges.

Wingsuit Saboteur Locations and Rewards

Saints Row Related Guides

Saints Row - Characters

List of All Characters

All Saints Row (2022) Characters

The Saints
BossBoss KevinKevin EliEli
NeenahNeenah SnickerdoodleSnickerdoodle -
Faction Leaders
Atticus MarshallAtticus Marshall The CollectiveThe Collective Sergio VelezSergio Velez
The NahualliThe Nahualli - -
Other Characters
Myra StarrMyra Starr GwenGwen Sgt. VicarioSgt. Vicario
Amanda RollinsAmanda Rollins JR (Jim Rob)JR (Jim Rob) Edith HuntEdith Hunt
Spike RooseveltSpike Roosevelt Lore MasterLore Master Tamira BowensTamira Bowens
Chloe MorrisChloe Morris JackJack Joannie UtahJoannie Utah
WinstonWinston The SenseiThe Sensei Vivian HuangVivian Huang
ChuyChuy Jersey DanJersey Dan Dust KingThe Dust King
SylviaSylvia Doc KetchumDoc Ketchum Antonio EspinaAntonio Espina
BarbBarb HawkHawk The AssociateThe Associate
EmilioEmilio Chalupa JimmyChalupa Jimmy Chalupa LouChalupa Lou
Chalupa PatChalupa Pat Chalupa TerryChalupa Terry -


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