Saints Row (2022)

List of Footwear (Shoes and Socks)

Saints Row - Shoes and Socks

Footwear includes shoes and socks that your character can wear in the 2022 reboot of Saints Row (Saints Row 5). See the full list of all shoes and socks below and customize your character the way you want!

List of All Shoes and Socks


FlatsFlats Flats with StrapsFlats with Straps Heels, FatHeels, Fat Heels, Open ToeHeels, Open Toe
Heels, StilettoHeels, Stiletto Heels, Thick, Ankle StrapHeels, Thick, Ankle Strap Heels, WedgeHeels, Wedge Paws, DogPaws, Dog
Paws, MousePaws, Mouse Shoes, Boat, CanvasShoes, Boat, Canvas Shoes, Boat, LeatherShoes, Boat, Leather Shoes, DressShoes, Dress
Shoes, Dress with StrapsShoes, Dress with Straps Shoes, Dress, Lace-UpShoes, Dress, Lace-Up Shoes, WingtipsShoes, Wingtips Slip Ons, GatorsSlip Ons, Gators
Slip-OnsSlip-Ons Slip-Ons, LoafersSlip-Ons, Loafers Slip-Ons, MoccasinsSlip-Ons, Moccasins Slip-Ons, SaintsSlip-Ons, Saints
Slip-Ons, StrapsSlip-Ons, Straps Sneakers, ChunkySneakers, Chunky Sneakers, Cross-TrainingSneakers, Cross-Training Sneakers, GolfSneakers, Golf
Sneakers, High TopSneakers, High Top Sneakers, High Top, Glow SoulSneakers, High Top, Glow Soul Sneakers, High Top, StrapsSneakers, High Top, Straps Sneakers, High Top, StripesSneakers, High Top, Stripes
Sneakers, Low TopSneakers, Low Top Sneakers, Low-Top, SaintsSneakers, Low-Top, Saints Sneakers, RunningSneakers, Running Sneakers, SaintsSneakers, Saints
Sneakers, SoccerSneakers, Soccer Sneakers, StrapsSneakers, Straps Sneakers, TennisSneakers, Tennis Sneakers, WingedSneakers, Winged

List of Shoes and Where to Get


Ankle Socks, HerringboneAnkle Socks, Herringbone Ankle Socks, PetalsAnkle Socks, Petals Ankle Socks, SkullsAnkle Socks, Skulls Ankle Socks, Swole HoleAnkle Socks, Swole Hole
Ankle Socks, Two-ToneAnkle Socks, Two-Tone Calf SocksCalf Socks Calf Socks, BunchedCalf Socks, Bunched Calf Socks, GeometricCalf Socks, Geometric
Calf Socks, MonkeyCalf Socks, Monkey Calf Socks, PinstripesCalf Socks, Pinstripes Calf Socks, PlainCalf Socks, Plain Football SocksFootball Socks
GartersGarters Knee Brace, LeftKnee Brace, Left Knee Socks, ArgyleKnee Socks, Argyle Knee Socks, BullKnee Socks, Bull
Knee Socks, CactusKnee Socks, Cactus Knee Socks, Laser WolvesKnee Socks, Laser Wolves Knee Socks, StripesKnee Socks, Stripes Knee Socks, WoolKnee Socks, Wool
Soccer SocksSoccer Socks StockingsStockings Stockings with BowsStockings with Bows Stockings with GartersStockings with Garters
Stockings with LaceStockings with Lace Thigh-High Socks, AthleticThigh-High Socks, Athletic Thigh-High Socks, LooseThigh-High Socks, Loose Thigh-High Socks, SaintsThigh-High Socks, Saints
Thigh-High Socks, StripesThigh-High Socks, Stripes

List of Socks and Where to Get


Boots, Biker, High-HeelBoots, Biker, High-Heel Boots, Chains & BucklesBoots, Chains & Buckles Boots, Cowboy, CrocodileBoots, Cowboy, Crocodile Boots, Cowboy, DarkBoots, Cowboy, Dark
Boots, Cowboy, EmbroideredBoots, Cowboy, Embroidered Boots, Cowboy, LightBoots, Cowboy, Light Boots, Cowboy, SaintsBoots, Cowboy, Saints Boots, Cowboy, Short, BuckledBoots, Cowboy, Short, Buckled
Boots, Cowboy, Short, SquareBoots, Cowboy, Short, Square Boots, EngineerBoots, Engineer Boots, HikingBoots, Hiking Boots, Leather, SaintsBoots, Leather, Saints
Boots, Leather, WorkBoots, Leather, Work Boots, SuperheroBoots, Superhero Boots, WellingtonsBoots, Wellingtons Botas Picudas, CobraBotas Picudas, Cobra
Botas Picudas, CrossesBotas Picudas, Crosses Botas Picudas, RosesBotas Picudas, Roses Botas Picudas, StarBotas Picudas, Star Botas Picudas, Stars and StripesBotas Picudas, Stars and Stripes
Botas Picudas, StuddedBotas Picudas, Studded

List of Boots and Where to Get


Sandals, CorkSandals, Cork Sandals, Flip FlopsSandals, Flip Flops Sandals, SportsSandals, Sports

List of Sandals and Where to Get

How to Customize Your Boss

Use the Style App

Saints Row - Use the Style App
In-game, you can easily customize your character by opening your Phone and navigating to the Style app. Doing this opens up the character customization menu and allows you to change your character's clothing and looks on the fly.

Unlock Customization Options

Saints Row - Unlock Customization Options.png
Apart from the default Customization Options you are given to start the game, you can also unlock several other options by completing Story Missions, Side Missions, Ventures, and other activities.

Customization Options such as Clothing and Tattoos can be bought from their respective Stores scattered all across Santo Ileso.

Character Creation Guide: How to Customize Your Boss

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Saints Row - Shoes and Socks Shoes and Socks Saints Row - Full Body Clothing Full Body Clothing
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