Saints Row (2022)

List of Tattoos

Saints Row - Tattoos

Tattoos are cosmetic items that you can place anywhere on your body in the 2022 reboot of Saints Row (Saints Row 5). See the full list of all tattoos below and customize your character the way you want!

List of All Tattoos

Head Tattoos

Alien Pyramid BandAlien Pyramid Band Art GalleryArt Gallery Bullet (Left)Bullet (Left) Bullet (Right)Bullet (Right)
Cross (Left)Cross (Left) Cross (Right)Cross (Right) First StrikeFirst Strike Frankenstitches (Left)Frankenstitches (Left)
Frankenstitches (Right)Frankenstitches (Right) Heart (Left)Heart (Left) Heart (Right)Heart (Right) Lizard Head (Left)Lizard Head (Left)
Lizard Head (Right)Lizard Head (Right) Lobe Rider (Left)Lobe Rider (Left) Lobe Rider (Right)Lobe Rider (Right) MustacheMustache
Neck ZipperNeck Zipper Panther (Left)Panther (Left) Panther (Right)Panther (Right) Pentagram SkullPentagram Skull
Pentagram SkullPentagram Skull Serpent SkullSerpent Skull Skull & SwordsSkull & Swords Star (Left)Star (Left)
Star (Right)Star (Right) Stiletto (Left)Stiletto (Left) Stiletto (Right)Stiletto (Right) Tear, Cheek (Left)Tear, Cheek (Left)
Tear, Cheek (Right)Tear, Cheek (Right) Tear, Eye (Left)Tear, Eye (Left) Tear, Eye (Right)Tear, Eye (Right) Tribal BandTribal Band
Tribal Band, ScrollTribal Band, Scroll VampireVampire's Kiss

List of Head Tattoos and Where to Get

Torso Tattoos

AlienAlien Alien Hot DogAlien Hot Dog Bad KittyBad Kitty Barbell SquatBarbell Squat
Barrel BenderBarrel Bender Belly ZipperBelly Zipper BrawlersBrawlers Bullet HolesBullet Holes
Cactus KnightCactus Knight Coyote Belly ButtonCoyote Belly Button Crotch GunnerCrotch Gunner DemonDemon
Dubstep GunnerDubstep Gunner Eagle & Snake in FlightEagle & Snake in Flight Eagle GunsEagle Guns El PeluqueroEl Peluquero
First StrikeFirst Strike Fly CatcherFly Catcher Forgive Me for My SinsForgive Me for My Sins HereHere's Gat!
HereHere's Gat! Horned DemonHorned Demon Hot GuyHot Guy Hot ShotHot Shot
KnightKnight Lemme Out!Lemme Out! Lemme Out!Lemme Out! Longhorn DemonLonghorn Demon
Los LuchadoresLos Luchadores Mesoamerican BatMesoamerican Bat Mesoamerican DragonMesoamerican Dragon Nipple FingersNipple Fingers
Pentagram SkullPentagram Skull Pleasure TrailPleasure Trail Rabbit (Left)Rabbit (Left) Rabbit (Right)Rabbit (Right)
RobotRobot Saints Joy RideSaints Joy Ride Saints Row BowelsSaints Row Bowels Serpent SkullSerpent Skull
Shoot-Out SheriffShoot-Out Sheriff Skull & GunsSkull & Guns Skull & SwordsSkull & Swords SnakeSnake
Snake ChokeSnake Choke Snake ChokeSnake Choke SpiderSpider Sword in the StoneSword in the Stone
Tribal SpikesTribal Spikes UnicornUnicorn WingsWings

List of Torso Tattoos and Where to Get

Back Tattoos

Alien Ray GunAlien Ray Gun Alien RoadrunnerAlien Roadrunner Alien RoadrunnerAlien Roadrunner All-Seeing EyeAll-Seeing Eye
Bat GenkiBat Genki Blow PonyBlow Pony DemonDemon Devil Tail SpadeDevil Tail Spade
DinoDino Dorsal SpikesDorsal Spikes DragonDragon Eagle & SnakeEagle & Snake
Eagle GunsEagle Guns El FugitivoEl Fugitivo Eye of ProvidenceEye of Providence FiligreeFiligree
Fire BirdFire Bird FlamesFlames Hasta La VistaHasta La Vista HereHere's Gat!
High KickHigh Kick Hot RodHot Rod KoiKoi Low RidersLow Riders
MotorcycleMotorcycle Olde SteelOlde Steel PhoenixPhoenix Pit BullPit Bull
Pus BlisterPus Blister RibsRibs Saints Row CarvedSaints Row Carved Salon DaySalon Day
Show Some SpineShow Some Spine Skull & Flaming PistolsSkull & Flaming Pistols Skull & SwordsSkull & Swords Skull CanyonSkull Canyon
Sneak E. CoyoteSneak E. Coyote Spider DemonSpider Demon Sun God GenkiSun God Genki SwanSwan
Sword in the StoneSword in the Stone Tribal BatTribal Bat Turtle Dance PartyTurtle Dance Party Zombie GenkiZombie Genki

List of Back Tattoos and Where to Get

Arm Tattoos

A Stitch in TimeA Stitch in Time Ace in the HoleAce in the Hole Alien AbductionAlien Abduction Alien Hot DogAlien Hot Dog
Alien Pyramid BandAlien Pyramid Band Alien Pyramid BandAlien Pyramid Band AnchorAnchor ApprovedApproved
Arm SpikesArm Spikes Arm SpikesArm Spikes ArrowArrow Bony FlasherBony Flasher
BulletBullet Cactus CurlerCactus Curler Cero MiedoCero Miedo Colonel GenkiColonel Genki
Count VladCount Vlad CrossCross CrossCross Desperado Train RobberyDesperado Train Robbery
Eagle & Snake with TreeEagle & Snake with Tree Eagle WarriorEagle Warrior El ChuchoEl Chucho El Gato MariachiEl Gato Mariachi
Fast Food FightFast Food Fight Finger RollFinger Roll Flaming SkullFlaming Skull G-Bomb TestG-Bomb Test
Get WellGet Well Grenade MaracasGrenade Maracas LacesLaces Lariat Canyon SunsetLariat Canyon Sunset
Lightning BandLightning Band Lightning BoltLightning Bolt Longhorn GenkiLonghorn Genki Loose ThreadsLoose Threads
Muscle MonsterMuscle Monster On Carbon Horse I RideOn Carbon Horse I Ride Pair of AcesPair of Aces PantherPanther
Panther BattlePanther Battle Panther SleevePanther Sleeve PeacockPeacock Pharaoh GenkiPharaoh Genki
Piston TexPiston Tex Piston TexPiston Tex Professor GenkiProfessor Genki ProteinumProteinum
Robo MarshalRobo Marshal Saint of SaintsSaint of Saints Saints PartySaints Party Saints SleeveSaints Sleeve
Shooting IronShooting Iron Sinful ColumnSinful Column StilettoStiletto Sunset BanditSunset Bandit
Taco DesperadoTaco Desperado ThornsThorns Toxic Waste Hot TubToxic Waste Hot Tub Tribal LizardTribal Lizard
Vulture GunVulture Gun War DogWar Dog X-RayX-Ray

List of Arm Tattoos and Where to Get

Leg Tattoos

A Few Dollars MoreA Few Dollars More AdventurerAdventurer's Lament All Laced UpAll Laced Up Biohazard BanditBiohazard Bandit
Biohazard Bowl RiderBiohazard Bowl Rider BirdBird Bow Wow WowBow Wow Wow Bronco BillyBronco Billy
Cactus BanditCactus Bandit Carved FleurCarved Fleur CondorCondor Demon RatDemon Rat
Disco PharaohDisco Pharaoh Doggy StyleDoggy Style Funky PooFunky Poo GamerGamer
GamerGamer Giddy Up!Giddy Up! Johnny GatJohnny Gat KAKTS RadioKAKTS Radio
KokainumKokainum LacesLaces Lasso SnakeLasso Snake Luchadore GamerLuchadore Gamer
Machete DevilMachete Devil MariachiMariachi Mesoamerican LizardMesoamerican Lizard Rattle SnakeRattle Snake
Rosalita en LlamasRosalita en Llamas RoseRose Saints FlowSaints Flow Saints Garter PistolSaints Garter Pistol
Saints ShieldSaints Shield Sixgun SallySixgun Sally Smoke BreakSmoke Break StallionStallion
Together ForeverTogether Forever Tribal BandTribal Band Tribal ScrollTribal Scroll Tribal WhorlTribal Whorl
Worm FoodWorm Food

List of Leg Tattoos and Where to Get

How to Customize Your Boss

Use the Style App

Saints Row - Use the Style App
In-game, you can easily customize your character by opening your Phone and navigating to the Style app. Doing this opens up the character customization menu and allows you to change your character's clothing and looks on the fly.

Unlock Customization Options

Saints Row - Unlock Customization Options.png
Apart from the default Customization Options you are given to start the game, you can also unlock several other options by completing Story Missions, Side Missions, Ventures, and other activities.

Customization Options such as Clothing and Tattoos can be bought from their respective Stores scattered all across Santo Ileso.

Character Creation Guide: How to Customize Your Boss

Saints Row (2022) Related Guides

Saints Row - Clothing and Accessories

List of Clothing and Accessories

List of All Clothing and Accessories

Clothing and Accessories by Type
Saints Row - Head Clothing Head Clothing Saints Row - Accessories Accessories
Saints Row - Upper Body Clothing Upper Body Clothing Saints Row - Lower Body Clothing Lower Body Clothing
Saints Row - Shoes and Socks Shoes and Socks Saints Row - Full Body Clothing Full Body Clothing
Saints Row - Prosthetics Prosthetics Saints Row - Tattoos Tattoos
Undergarments Partial.pngUndergarments -


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