Saints Row (2022)

The Great Train Robbery Walkthrough and Rewards

Saints Row - The Great Train Robbery Walkthrough and Guide
The Great Train Robbery is one of the Main missions in the 2022 reboot of Saints Row (Saints Row 5)! Read on for a detailed walkthrough, list of rewards, choices, and objectives!

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Corporate Retreat Good Cop/Bad Cop

The Great Train Robbery Overview

Basic Info

The Great Train Robbery
I trust you are ready for this train heist.
Characters: Mission Number
Boss, Nahualli 26
3000 XP
$ 150,000
Saints Hoverbike
F Train Emote
The Nahualli Upgrades

The Great Train Robbery Map

The Great Train Robbery Map
The Great Train Robbery Map Saints Riow 2022
Full Map

After activating the mission, head towards the same graveyard you have the grand fight in during Corporate Retreat.

The Great Train Robbery Walkthrough

Go to the Graveyard

After starting the mission, head to the graveyard to meet up with Nahualli and your crew.
Board the Train

The mission will start off with you being on the passenger side of a hoverbike as you rush towards the back end of the train. After the hoverbike boards the train, you will be left behind by Neenah.

Follow the train down the path towards sections of the train while battling against the Marshals.
Destroy the Servers

At some point, you will come across an open section of the train with a turret on top. Don't bother trying to destroy the turret – instead, wait for it to stop firing before jumping from cover to cover.

As soon as you enter the section directly beneath the turret, there'll be servers you can destroy to disable the turret. Do this for all turrets that you encounter on the train.
Move Up the Train

Continue down the train – there'll be a section where a Marshal guard disengages the section of the train you're in from the rest, which slows and leaves behind your section.

Deal with the remaining Marshals in this section until Neenah comes with her Hoverbike to come pick you up. Board the bike with her and leave it when you reach the new back end of the train.
Re-Board the Train

As you progress through the train, Los Panteros will drive up in turreted trucks along either side of the train as well as try to board it directly, prompting a three-way fight between you, the Marshals, and their crew.

After mowing down several of them as you move up the train, you'll come across a section where you'll be locked inside. Several Marshals will enter this section from the roof, along with trying to blind you by filling the room with smoke.
Get in the Tank

After you make it out of the Marshal's trap, continue down the path. A helicopter will be in your way and will fly up.

Ignore it for now and proceed down the path until you reach a Marshal Tank. Board it, then start blasting away at both the helicopters, trucks, and APCs that try to block your way.
Destroy the VTOL

Finally, a large aircraft will fly up and attempt to destroy you. Shoot several tank shells into it to destroy it, then jump out of the tank and continue moving down the train until you hit a cutscene, ending the mission.

Tips and Strategies

Pack Ammo

This mission is a very combat-centric mission that is quite lengthy. There'll be several times, even if you pick up ammo from enemies, that you'll eventually run dry. It is best to pack full ammo packs before this mission, lest you be forced to rely on melee weapons (which, in this fight, is difficult due to the amount of bullets that will fly around).

Target the Powerful Marshal

At the section where the Marshals trap you inside of a room, when the third wave hits, focus on the Marshal with a large cowboy hat on. This Marshal is particularly annoying, as he can replicate himself into several copies that make you waste ammo on trying to destroy them.

Instead, when this Marshal comes out, immediately pepper him with everything you have in order to take him out of the fight much sooner.

Kill Any MDI Shotgun Armed Marshal

Apart from that one powerful Marshal in the trap section, target Marshals armed with MDI shotguns, as any shot they can do against you can quickly burn through your HP.

Thankfully, there aren't many (if any) "tough" variants of these Marshals lying around, making it easy to pop shots against their heads for easy kills. Alternatively, use Pineapple Express to send them flying against other Marshals for group deaths.

Bring Tough Mother and Transfusion

Lv Skill Description
6 Tough MotherTough Mother Gain a temporary health boost to absorb damage from enemies and negate staggers.
11 TransfusionTransfusion While active, heal yourself and your friends by hurting your enemies.

For this mission, the skills Tough Mother and Transfusion works well to negate any damage that you can take from the absurd amounts of enemies that you have to go through throughout the train.

It is particularly useful during the section where you're trapped in a room, as enemy spawns in that section will cause them to appear on your flanks leading to easy shots for them.

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List of Missions
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2 Morning Commute
3 Making Rent
4 Observe and Report
5 A Piece of the Action
6 The Peter Principle
7 Be Your Own Boss
8 Take Me to Church
9 Office Decor
10 Shootin' the Shit
11 The Fast and the Foodiest
12 Networking
13 Neenah's Car
14 Idol Threat
15 Aggressive Recruiting
16 The Dustmoot
17 The Forge
18 Drawing Heat
19 The Rod Warrior
20 Unto the Breach
21 The Frontier
22 Body of Evidence
23 Donut Run
24 Idol Hands
25 Corporate Retreat
26 The Great Train Robbery
27 Good Cop/Bad Cop
28 Art Appreciation
29 Going Overboard
30 Non-Compete Clause
31 Severance Package
32 After Party
33 High Noon
34 Showdown
35 Let's Build a Skyscraper
36 Best Friends Forever


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