Saints Row (2022)

The Boss (Player Character): Profile and Backstory

Saints Row - The Boss

The Boss is the player character in the 2022 reboot of Saints Row (Saints Row 5), and is also the leader of The Saints. Read on to know more about The Boss, their character profile, and their backstory.

The Boss Character Profile


Saints Row - Boss Name: Boss
Role: Boss
Faction: The Saints
EN Voice Actors:
Voice 1: Max Mittelman
Voice 2: Catero Colbert
Voice 3: Erica Lindbeck
Voice 4: Bryce Charles
Voice 5: Antony Del Rio
Voice 6: Emily O'Brien
Voice 7: Adam Gold
Voice 8: Rachel Butera
The Boss is Saints Row's personalizable player character. They might be impulsive and murder-happy, but they are loyal and willing to do anything for their friends. The Boss forms the Saints with their friends after being fired by Marshall Defense Industries, and they aim to rise to the top and become the largest criminal enterprise in Santo Ileso.

Character Customization Trailer

The Boss Backstory

Leader of The Saints

Saints Row - Leader of the Saints
All that is known of the Boss is that they were formerly employed at Marshall Defense Industries. The Boss, along with Kevin, Eli, and Neenah, then created The Saints, a "start-up" business, that will rise in influence and wrestle power from the other factions that control Santo Ileso.

Fully Customizable

Saints Row - Fully Customizable
Everything about the Boss from here on out is now for the player to decide. The Boss can be customized in any way the player desires, with its standalone character creation game, Boss Factory.

Saints Row Related Guides

Saints Row - Characters

List of All Characters

All Saints Row (2022) Characters

The Saints
BossBoss KevinKevin EliEli
NeenahNeenah SnickerdoodleSnickerdoodle -
Faction Leaders
Atticus MarshallAtticus Marshall The CollectiveThe Collective Sergio VelezSergio Velez
The NahualliThe Nahualli - -
Other Characters
Myra StarrMyra Starr GwenGwen Sgt. VicarioSgt. Vicario
Amanda RollinsAmanda Rollins JR (Jim Rob)JR (Jim Rob) Edith HuntEdith Hunt
Spike RooseveltSpike Roosevelt Lore MasterLore Master Tamira BowensTamira Bowens
Chloe MorrisChloe Morris JackJack Joannie UtahJoannie Utah
WinstonWinston The SenseiThe Sensei Vivian HuangVivian Huang
ChuyChuy Jersey DanJersey Dan Dust KingThe Dust King
SylviaSylvia Doc KetchumDoc Ketchum Antonio EspinaAntonio Espina
BarbBarb HawkHawk The AssociateThe Associate
EmilioEmilio Chalupa JimmyChalupa Jimmy Chalupa LouChalupa Lou
Chalupa PatChalupa Pat Chalupa TerryChalupa Terry -


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