Saints Row (2022)

Target Practice Challenge: Where to Find Shooting Galleries

This is a guide for Target Practice, a challenge in 2022 reboot of Saints Row (Saints Row 5). Read on to learn where to find shooting galleries what the objectives of the challenge are, tips on how to complete the challenge, and the rewards you get for completing the challenge.

Target Practice Overview

Target Practice Challenge Objectives

Bullet Icon Find and start a Shooting Gallery
Bullet Icon Headshot kill 15 enemies

Target Practice Rewards

Total Rewards
1125 XP

How to Complete Target Practice Objectives

Visit Any Shooting Gallery

Shooting Gallery locations are special activities where you'll need to shoot 15 targets to earn rewards. While the closest Shooting Gallery from Saints HQ is in Rojas Desert North, you can head over to Badlands South and follow our video guide to complete the Airplane Grave Shooting Gallery!

All Shooting Gallery Locations and Rewards

Click on Some Heads

Complete this objective by hitting 15 headshots on enemies. A quick way of getting fighting plenty of enemies is by calling them via the Contacts App, should you have the KAKTS Radio Ventures up and running.

Adjust aim assist for easier headshots

Players can adjust their settings for an easier experience aiming at enemies. The table below shows all the adjustable settings available in the game.

Aim Assist Settings
Lock On Type Adjust the camera behavior when locking on to enemies
Full Lock Lock on always stays on enemy when in fine aim
Short Lock Lock on stays on enemy for a short amount of time
Snap Lock Lock on only stays on enemies for a brief moment
Off Lock on is off
Auto Lock On New Targets Turns on/off automatically locking on to new targets without having to exit fine aim
Lock On Attraction Adjust the degree to which the reticle is attracted to the target given its relative distance
Narrow Reticle must be very close to the target to lock on
Default Reticle must be somewhat close to the target to lock on
Wide Reticle can be far away fromt he target to lock on
Extreme Reticle can lock on to any target even without line-of-sight

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List of Challenges and Rewards

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