Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

How to Unlock the Raptor-FVM40 Sniper Scope

Modern Warfare 2 - How to Unlock the Raptor-FVM40

The Raptor-FVM40 is a unique Optic attachment that comes with a rangefinder and bullet drop indicator in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Read on to learn more about the Raptor-FVM40's bugged unlock condition, an overview of its stats, as well as a list of weapons that can equip it!

Notice IconNotice from Game8 The unlock condition for the Raptor-FVM40 sniper scope is still bugged. Refer to the bug section below for more info!

What is the Raptor-FVM40?

Long-Range Sniper Scope with a Bullet Drop Indicator & Rangefinder


This high-powered 3.5-18x50 rifle scope is equipped with SoloZero's FVM40 Rangefinder. See distance to target from the hip and a bullet-drop indicator when aiming.
Pros Cons
+ Bullet Drop Indicator
+13.0x Magnification
+ Aim Down Sight Speed
- Very Large Sniper Glint

Indicators Appear In Hip View and While Aiming

From the hip, you will be able to view the rangefinder found at the top of the scope. You can use this indicator to tell how far an enemy or a certain area is at a glance. In ADS mode, you can mark targets (again, applicable to enemies or locations) by pressing SHIFT. This will alter the bullet drop indicator in the sight, showing you how far the target is while scoped in.

How to Unlock the Raptor-FVM40

Unlock Condition Is Bugged

Unfortunately, the unlock condition for this scope is still bugged. Reaching level 17 on the Victus XMR will still return a locked Raptor-FVM40 scope with a blank unlock condition when viewed in the Gunsmith.

If you hover over any locked scope then hover over the Raptor, it will display the unlock condition for the previous scope resulting in some players thinking that there are other unlock conditions for this scope.

As of writing, there is no way to obtain the scope for any of the compatible snipers until the devs address the bug in question.

Purchase the Sloth Bundle to Get the Folivora Blueprint

Blueprint Attachments Optic: Raptor-FVM40
Guard: Corvus Responder
Stock: FTac Homeland
Barrel: 26” Mammoth HB50
Magazine: 9 Round Mag

The VII: Sloth Bundle, available at the in-game store for 2400 CoD Points, will contain a Victus XMR Blueprint named Folivora. Purchase the bundle to get access to a Victus XMR armed with the Raptor-FVM40 and an assortment of other attachments.

Note: Since this is a blueprint, players will not be able to edit the attachments nor use the Raptor-FVM40 for other Sniper Rifles. Keep this in mind before purchasing the bundle.

VII: Sloth Shop Bundle: All Contents and How to Buy

Weapons That Can Use the Raptor-FVM40

LA-B 330LA-B 330 SP-X 80SP-X 80 MCPR-300MCPR-300
Signal 50Signal 50 Victus XMRVictus XMR

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15 Anonymousover 2 years

Edit the blueprint

14 Anonymousover 2 years

You can edit the blueprint now 😁


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