Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

Heartbeat Sensor: How to Get and Use

Heartbeat Sensor is a Tactical equipment in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2). Read on to learn how to get and use the Heartbeat Sensor in the game!

Heartbeat Sensor Overview

Heartbeat Sensor Basic Info

Heartbeat SensorHeartbeat Sensor Type Tactical
Unlock Lv. Unlocks at Level 40.
Description A limited use tablet that displays rough information about nearby enemies.

How to Use Heartbeat Sensor

Know Enemies' Locations

Modern Warfare 2 - Heartbeat Sensor
Heartbeat Sensor is a tactical equipment you can use to know the rough location of the enemies nearby. It works like a UAV but only at a limited distance and area. Note that you won't be able to shoot your weapons while using Heartbeat Sensor, so try to use it only when behind covers.

How to Counter Heartbeat Sensor

Activate DDOS Field Upgrade

Since Heartbeat Sensor is an electronic gadget, it also gets disabled when a DDOS is activated nearby. Equip it to your loadout and wait for it to recharge so you can use it against players with Heartbeat Sensor.

DDOS: How to Get and Use

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