
How to Craft and Mine a Mangrove Pressure Plate

A Mangrove Pressure Plate is a Wood block that you can use to activate redstone components. Learn more about this block, how to get it, where to find it, and what it can be used for.

Mangrove Pressure Plate Overview

Mangrove Pressure Plate Basic Information

Mangrove Pressure Plate IconMangrove Pressure Plate
Category Redstone
Block Material Mangrove
Block Type Pressure Plate

The Mangrove Pressure Plate is a 1.19 Block that is mainly used for detecting entities, blocks, and items.

Block Characteristics

Blast Resistance Low
Blocks with Low Blast Resistance are easily destroyed by weak explosions like Ghast Fireballs.
Transparency Transparent
This block is fully transparent and allows light to pass through completely without diffusing it. Most transparent blocks are mob proof and will not allow mobs to spawn on top of them.
Flammability Not Flammable
Though you can place fire on top or around this block. The block itself will never catch fire.
Piston Interaction Destroyed by Pistons
This block is destroyed when a piston is pushed into it or when a piston pushes another block in its place.
Interaction with Water Can Be Waterlogged (Bedrock)
This block can be waterlogged, but only in the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft. It can occupy the same space as a water source block, but it can still obstruct flowing water.

How to Mine a Mangrove Pressure Plate

Tools to Mine the Block AxeAxe

How to Get a Mangrove Pressure Plate

Craft in a Crafting Table

There are 9 slots in a Crafting Table. Place the appropriate items in each slot of your Crafting Table according to the recipe displayed below.

Crafting Table Recipe
Mangrove Planks IconMangrove Planks Mangrove Planks IconMangrove Planks - Icon = Mangrove Pressure Plate IconMangrove Pressure Plate
Quantity: 1
- Icon - Icon - Icon
- Icon - Icon - Icon

How to Use a Mangrove Pressure Plate

Detects Entities on Top of Them to Activate Redstone Components

Minecraft - Pressure Plate Activate Redstone

Pressure Plates can detect when mobs and players stand on top of them and emit a redstone signal of 15 while triggered. Wooden Pressure Plates, like the Mangrove Pressure Plate, can also detect when an item entity is placed on top of them.

Prevent Mob Spawning

Pressure Plates can prevent mobs from spawning without the need for lights. However, due to their more expensive crafting cost and noisy sound when being stepped on, we recommend using other blocks to prevent spawning instead, like buttons or slabs.

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