
How to Find and Use a Goat Horn

A Goat Horn is a tool in Minecraft that allows players to create a unique sound when they use it. It can be obtained from a Goat. Learn more about the Goat Horn and its alternate versions, how to get it, and what it's used for.

Goat Horn Overview

Goat Horn Basic Information

Goat Horn Ponder IconGoat Horn Ponder
Type Tools
Stack 1

A Goat Horn is a 1.19 Item that plays different tunes when it is used. Here are the 8 alternate versions of the Goat Horn, and each one makes a unique sound.

List of Alternate Versions
Goat Horn Resist IconGoat Horn Resist Goat Horn Yearn IconGoat Horn Yearn Goat Horn Call IconGoat Horn Call Goat Horn Admire IconGoat Horn Admire
Goat Horn Feel IconGoat Horn Feel Goat Horn Seek IconGoat Horn Seek Goat Horn Sing IconGoat Horn Sing Goat Horn Ponder IconGoat Horn Ponder

How to Get a Goat Horn

Dropped by Mobs

Each Goat Horn variant can be dropped by each of the mobs listed below and have varying rarities for a specific mob to drop them. Click on the list to learn more information about the mobs in our Mob Guides.

List of Mobs
Goat IconGoat

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How to Use a Goat Horn

Make Some Noise

Goat Horn

The Goat Horn can be used to create noises by blowing on them. Each Goat Horn makes a unique sound. This can be helpful in sending signals from afar when you are playing with other players.

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