Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

Tactical Insertion: How to Get and Use

Tactical Insertion is a Field Upgrade equipment in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2). Read on to learn how to get and use the Tactical Insertion in the game!

Tactical Insertion Overview

Tactical Insertion Basic Info

Tactical InsertionTactical Insertion Type Field Upgrade
Unlock Lv. Unlocks at Level 43.
Recharge Speed Fast Recharge
Description Marks a location as your next spawn point. This field upgrade does not have an effect in one-life modes.

How to Use Tactical Insertion

Respawn at the Designated Location

You can spawn on where you put the Tactical Insertion instantly on the field. It is great on large-scale maps, as it can help you return to your desired spot without running to it again.

Cancel it if There are Enemies Nearby

Consider canceling your deployment if the area is currently swarming with enemies. There's a high risk of dying if you spawn with them nearby. You can deploy on your team's side instead and find another spot you can take.

How to Counter Tactical Insertion

Wait for them to Spawn and Kill them

Tactical Insertion is visible to allies and enemies alike. Hide near one if it's an enemy Tactical Insertion and wait for them to spawn to take them out. Try not to show yourself to anyone to prevent them from not using it!

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Equipment By Type

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