Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

Portable Radar: How to Get and Use

Portable Radar is a Field Upgrade equipment in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2). Read on to learn how to get and use the Portable Radar in the game!

Portable Radar Overview

Portable Radar Basic Info

Portable RadarPortable Radar Type Field Upgrade
Unlock Lv. Unlocks at Level 5.
Recharge Speed Fast Recharge
Description Emits a periodic radar ping to detect nearby enemies.

How to Use Portable Radar

See Enemies on the Minimap

Portable Radar will show nearby enemies on the minimap and their rough location. It works like a UAV but it doesn't cover the whole map and only just a small area.

How to Counter Portable Radar

Destroy Portable Radar

The easiest and fastest way to counter Portable Radar is to destroy it. You can use your gun or explosives to take it out. A light tap from the explosives or a bullet should be able to scrap instantly.

Use Counter UAV

Since Counter UAV disables the minimap entirely, it will also make the Portable Radar useless as it uses the minimap to give you information. Equip the Counter UAV on your Killstreak loadout and start taking out five players to use it.

Activate DDOS

DDOS can effectively disable a Portable Radar on the field for a short time. Equip it to your loadout and wait for the opponents to use it before you activate the DDOS to counter it.

DDOS: How to Get and Use

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Equipment By Type

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