Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

DDOS: How to Get and Use

DDOS is a Field Upgrade equipment in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2). Read on to learn how to get and use the DDOS in the game!

DDOS Overview

DDOS Basic Info

DDOSDDOS Type Field Upgrade
Unlock Lv. Unlocks at Level 38.
Recharge Speed Fast Recharge
Description Activates a device that deactivates electronics, and disrupts enemy sensors in the immediate area for a short time.

How to Use DDOS

Disable Electronic Equipment

How to Use DDOS
1 Modern Warfare 2 - Equip DDOS.png
Equip DDOS Field Upgrade to your current loadout.
Get into a match and wait for it to recharge over time.
Once ready, just press on the Field upgrade button to activate it. Make sure that you're near electornic equipment to disable them.

DDOS is the equipment you can activate to disable all electronics and sensors for a short time. It allows you to go undetected by equipment with proximity sensors, like the Tactical Camera and Proximity Mine. You can also use that to disable ground-deployed Killstreaks such as the Sentry Gun, Bomb Drone, and Wheelson-HS.

How to Counter DDOS

Use Electronic Equipment Timely

Modern Warfare 2 - Tactical Camera Field Upgrade
You can wait for the enemies to use DDOS before you deploy your electronic equipment to avoid losing them quickly, especially the Killstreaks. However, this strategy is hard to pull off as the match can be chaotic, and it will be tough to pay attention to the current happening.

Change Your Loadout

Modern Warfare 2 - Edit Loadout
You can also switch your loadout and change your play style to avoid the risk of getting your electronic equipment scrapped. It is a reasonable decision to make, specifically if there are multiple enemies equipped with DDOS.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Related Guides

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Equipment By Type

Equipment by Type
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Field Upgrades

All Field Upgrade Equipment

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